5. Popularity

94 9 21

"Omg, I think imma stop writing. It's been two days and I only have three reads!"

Okay, I can't fathom how many times seeing this has made me want to barf. As a writer, if your story isn't getting the amount of attention you expected, you'll obviously be disappointed. Every beginner makes the mistake of setting their expectations too high. Heck, even I had some dissatisfaction with my stories.

The best way that I can describe it is this: Your story is like your kid; your creation. You work on the description until it is flawless, the cover is your best piece of graphic design, your first chapter is good enough to become a fully animated pilot episode. Getting jittery, wondering, "Should I do this?" Before you publish it. Now, it's out in the world. You're waiting for people to read it, to see your work. The piece that you must have put so much more effort into compared to all other writers, you're sure.

You expect all your hard work and effort to amount to something amazing, but it doesn't happen. People read, but very few and far between. Your story isn't promoted and amounts to basically nothing. And, the few people that do read don't give you any sort of feedback. Asking yourself, "Am I not even good enough for someone to speak up?" Doubts are sewn into your head, and your patience is wearing thin.

Finally, you give up. Writing didn't feel the same anymore. Where once you'd sit and make storyboards for hours, now you'd bang your head against the wall. It was all about the comments, the votes, the attention. The popularity.

Dear reader, writing on this platform is difficult. You yourself should know that only the best titles and covers get your attention. If your story is taking time, don't give up on it. Publishing a story is a means of life or death for it.

Write because you want to. Sure, the community is a benefit, but don't make it the sole reason you write. Write because it's fun, because you're practicing, because you love it. When it comes to reads, you are the only one there for your story. Books take years to become "popular." A book that has twenty thousand reads probably didn't until two years ago. Don't expect your story to ever reach that, forget about it happening in a few days time.

Please don't quit writing because of something we can't control. We want to hear your story, and while writing takes time, and is very tedious, we're there for you. Even if it takes months, know that there will be a devoted reader someday.


"I didn't think I'd get so emotional over a chapter, but here I am. I feel the same way about this story. You don't know this, but I'm writing this before having published this book. I don't know if it will do well, but you can bet that I'll keep writing! As always, vote, comment, etc. I'll see you next chapter and— does anyone have a napkin?"

- Coffee

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