12. A Timeloop of Undoing

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"Hmm, this chapter is alright, but I've gotten so much better at writing... might as well redo it!

3 hours later

Aaand, finally done with all thirty parts. But, now I'm even better... lemme just redo the first few..."

This is less of a rant for readers than it is for writers. Adding to that, it's less about how good your writing is, but rather how you're writing.

Do you ever make a chapter, just to revise and edit it a hundred times over? I've had times where I made a draft and every time I made a few chapters I'd think "hey, my writing is so much better now than when I started," and just redo the beginning ones.

Of course editing is fine, heck, it's definitely encouraged (props to chapter 2), but sometimes it's overdone. If your writing looks good, than don't redo it just because it could be better and end up wasting your night. Sure, maybe your rereading an old chapter and decided to change some things, or fix a spelling mistake. That's fine. But don't just keep looping in a never ending spiral of "It could be better."

Also, you get to see your writing grow. I look back at old chapters of my own just to chuckle at how idiotic some of it sounded. I feel so much more confident in my current writing abilities, and it's a reason for praise. If you think you can make something old better, it's a sign that you too have gotten better at what you love to do.

Don't forget about your mistakes, but don't constantly linger on them either. If you have issues with your past writing; just know that it's better now, and that your devoted readers stuck around anyways.


295 words

"Has this ever happened to you before? Ahh I'm so giddy. Every time I check this book's stats it's grown just a tiny bit and it's so cute! Also, whenever I get notifications on someone commenting my first thoughts are: Ahh, someone likes this! I hope you did indeed enjoy, and I'll see you next chapter!"

- Coffee

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