14. Gatekeeping

64 5 22

"I've already got like 700000 chapters done, but I'll post another when I get 50 more votes!"

This hurts. Why would you go out of your way to make chapters just to keep your readers from reading them?

Sure, votes are good at promoting your story and give you a hit of dopamine, but doing what's above isn't encouraging anyone. When someone witnesses what lengths you're going to just to get your story promoted, they're less likely to get truly invested. Rather, they'd just keep reading because that's what they signed up for.

More reads. More votes.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't vote on works you like though. Votes can actually encourage writers because they know that a real person is reading their stories, and appreciates them. Not just a single tally in their reads.

Writing little notes at the end of the chapter is the best way to do it in my opinion. Always do it at the end. Doing it at the end means you get the most people who actually took the time to read your whole chapter. Besides, putting it at the beginning makes you feel as desperate as the first example.

A little note like: "Heyyy thanks for reading! Vote and comment if you liked it!"

Simple. Oh, and ask your viewers to comment their thoughts. Very few people go out of their way to comment, but it does help your story as well.


239 words

"I did not edit this chapter, and I am sincerely sorry. If you find any mistakes, please tell me. Vote and comment your thoughts, and I'll see you next chapter!"

- Coffee

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