8. Updates

77 9 13

"You have reached the end of published parts. Last updated: 3.141592653589793- years ago,"

Guys, I get it. Stories take time to write. I myself have a story that I haven't updated in nearly a month (should stop procrastinating on that...), but that doesn't mean you should abandon your readers.

Sometimes people have writers block and need to go on hiatus for a while; that's alright. Just don't randomly stop updating a book and never speak of it again.

You have other options too. If you don't want to continue writing, tell your readers that you won't. Just make a chapter as simple as: Hi, I've moved on... or, mark the book completed and respond to comments about it.

While it might be frustrating as an author to constantly write, just tell your readers about it. You don't know how many times I've read stories with well thought out plots, alluring mysteries, charming characters, and meticulous writing just to find out it hasn't been updated since 2016.

Also, don't be afraid to message authors about their long forgotten book. Sure, at that point they might have twelve thousand reads and hundreds of comments saying the same thing, but they might answer. They might say, "hey, I see you and this is why I stopped-"


215 words

"Short ... again. I hope you guys can relate. Vote and comment your thought, and I'll see you next time."

- Coffee

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