7. Rants?

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"The thickly bound ropes clung tightly to me. I couldn't see anything further than the marks left on my skin. A figure drifted out of the darkness, but the rhythmic clicks of their footsteps were easily recognizable. "Took you long enough; I thought you'd never get here," her calm and collected tone was sickening. "Very rude, so don't blame me for the tea being cold. Now, while I could just kill you here, what's the fun in that?" She went on a whole tangent, and in that time I was able to cut myself out with an enchanted pocket knife."

I didn't want to make the example so long, but that's exactly what I mean. WHY DO YOUR VILLAINS TALK SO DAMN MUCH!?! Ok, I apologize for getting a bit unhinged there, but it does seem like that sometimes.

I get it when in cartoons (talking about you Phineas and Ferb), but when you have a serious book, have a competent antagonist. Sure, that means them having an intriguing personality and the such, but to know how to kill your protagonist when they are literally in their claws!

The dialogue that takes place while they can literally kill you isn't needed. Besides, giving your character a clever way to get out (that you can tie into an earlier plot point) quickly shows how much they've grown. Maybe a parallel to when they first met could take place or whatever you think of.

And that's another point: Think of something yourself. Apparently when you reach deep, deep, deep down, you could think of a way to escape a situation quickly and wittily. A way that only you can think of because you are you and we are not you; you get it?

Also, some books don't need a set in stone permanent antagonist. Sometimes your villain can be different, sometimes it can be nobody, sometimes you don't know who's really pulling the strings. I'll talk about this in more detail later, but for now stick with this. It'll take you a long way.


342 words

"Save the dang monologues for horrendous backstories... wait, that's another chapter idea! >;). So, if villains rant, than is this my villain ark? You guys can decide that. Vote and comment if you liked it, and I'm having a lot more fun writing these than I thought! As always, I'll see you next chapter."

- Coffee

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