short story 50 (GeminiFourth #6)

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* GeminiFourth ~ E D I T I O N

* FULL version of short story 6

* FULL version of short story 6

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* PROMPT 7, PART 3 *

Gemini had been upset off and on all day since he'd seen the comments

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Gemini had been upset off and on all day since he'd seen the comments.
"You're not good enough for Fourth"
"Fourth deserves someone better"
"I hope Fourth gets someone else"

When Fourth had texted, asking to come see him before he went back to university, Gemini had said yes, but now that the knock has come upon the door, Gemini wonders if he should've accepted.

Gemini wipes his tears before opening the door; he doesn't want Fourth to know he'd been crying. Fourth walks into the apartment, a wide smile on his face.
"Hi, Gem," he says happily, taking his shoes off, but when he turns around, Gem is facing the other way.
"Are you in there, Gem?"
"Why won't you look at me, Gem?" Fourth asks after many attempts at a conversation.

With a sniffle and a deep, shaky breath Gem turns around, meeting his gaze, and the look on Fourth's face changes immediately as he pushes Gem back and onto the couch, sinking to his knees in front of him.
"Gem... what's wrong?" Fourth asks, putting a hand on Gem's knee, lifting his other to wipe a falling tear from his cheek.  Knowing there's no use trying to escape now, Gem just falls forward, a complete mess, into his Fourth's arms, sobbing.
"Okay..." Fourth says soothingly. "What happened? Ssh, Gem, you're okay."

After a few minutes of silence, Gem pulls back and looks into his eyes. "Am I good enough for you?"
"What?" Fourth asks incredulously. "Why would you ask me something like that? Of course you are, Gem!"
"P-people are saying you deserve a better partner. That someone else should start acting with you." Gem admits.
Fourth seethes inside with rage. "Who?"
"It doesn't—"
"If it made you this upset, Gem, then yes, it is important."

Gemini stays silent as Fourth meets his eyes. Using Gemini's knees to push himself upward, he presses his lips to Gemini's, grabbing his face in his hands as he tips his head back, deepening the kiss.

Gemini is stunned, but as soon as he recovers he kisses Fourth back, putting his hands on Fourth's hips, using his fingers to draw small circles.

When he pulls away, he looks into Gem's eyes, and says, "You mean everything to me, Gem. If anything, I should question if I am good enough for you. I love you so much, Gem. And, you don't have to tell me, but I will find out. No one hurts my Gem and gets away with it."
Gemini gives a half smile, before leaning in and pausing— unsure.
"You can kiss me whenever you want, Gem." Fourth tells him softly.

Gemini pulls Fourth onto his lap, bringing their lips together. Fourth puts his hands on Gemini's shoulders, sliding a hand across his collarbone and up his throat, tipping his head back as he deepens the kiss, squeezing ever so slightly on Gem's neck. A moan comes from Gem, and Fourth grins against his lips, smiling at the noise that is soon going to become his new favorite.

As Gemini moans again softly, squeezing Fourth's waist, Fourth opens Gem's mouth with his own, tasting every inch of Gemini, who has to hold back a moan when Fourth bites his bottom lip.
"Fot," Gemini whimpers against Fourth's lips when the kiss breaks.
Fourth runs his finger over Gemini's bottom lip, tipping his head back. "Hmm?" He asks, moving his head to Gemini's neck.

Gemini draws in a shaky breath as Fourth nips and sucks at his neck— though not hard enough to leave a mark.

Fourth pulls back, looking at Gemini with sparkling eyes. "You're mine," he says breathily. "Don't forget that." The words sent an exciting jolt through Gem's belly as he looks up at Fourth smiling.

A few days later as they're walking around the park, there are a group of girls watching them, one girl in specific, watching Gemini

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A few days later as they're walking around the park, there are a group of girls watching them, one girl in specific, watching Gemini. Over his shoulder, Fourth notices her but brushes it off, going back to his conversation with Gemini as they're sat on a park bench.

After the girls keep staring, Fourth leans over to Gemini, turning Gem's face towards his own.
"I wanna kiss you so bad right now." Fourth says softly, 
Gemini smiles, putting a finger underneath Fourth's chin. "You said I could kiss you whenever I wanted, which means you can kiss me whenever you want."
Fourth smiles at him, but doesn't make any further advances since they are in a public place.

"What about that kiss now?" Gemini asks Fourth when they arrive back at his house.
Fourth grins at him, tugging him by the front of his shirt and letting their lips collide, almost seamlessly. Gemini pulls Fourth closer, grabbing Fourth's face in his hands.

This time, it's Gemini who coaxes a moan from Fourth's lips onto his, and he grins. Fourth has learned that Gemini has a way of kissing him that makes his legs go a little shaky.
"Mmm, Gem," Fourth whines against his lips.
Gemini's lips quirk into a smile against Fourth's.

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