short story 152 (PopBenz #3)

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I have had no motivation and no ideas 🙃
pls send help lol

* PopBenz  ~  E D I T I O N

* PopBenz  ~  E D I T I O N

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Pop looked on from behind as Top plopped onto Benz's lap. He knew the camera was running but couldn't help the look of jealousy flashing across his face.

Benz saw the look on Pop's features in the camera, but he pretended he hadn't noticed. He would tease Pop (endlessly) about it later.

Pop felt a brief, but violent, churn in his stomach. He knew he shouldn't be jealous, it was just Top. He happened to know for a fact that Michael and Topten had something going on.

Benz tried to keep his smile to himself. He found jealous Pop absolutely adorable.

In reality, Benz just loved Pop, period.
He would always be grateful he had been there that night.

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eight months ago

It was happening again. Why so soon?
He could barely breathe, it felt like a boulder was on his chest.
He was alone in the dark. He could hear the crashing sounds of waves.
Wind was whipping around him.
As usual, he was left alone. He never knew how he ended up here.
His voice was gone. It always was.

Benz walked into the room.
They were out of town for an event.
Pop and Benz had been assigned to share a hotel room.

Benz had just left for a few minutes to take a shower.
When he came back, Pop was thrashing in the bed.

Rushing to Pop's side, Benz touched his arm gently.
He didn't know what was going on.

It had been a long day, though—maybe Pop was just tired, they had been awake for hours.

"Pop." Benz said Pop's name softly, reaching his hand out and touching his cheek. "Hey, wake up."

Benz. What is he doing here? No, he can't be here.
It was bad enough that he had to experience this, he couldn't let Benz bear this, too.

Benz's mouth was moving but he was too far away for Pop to hear or understand.
"You have to go!" He tried to shout, but his voice— he'd forgotten it was gone.

"Pop!" Benz had finally reached him, shouting his name. Pop knew he had questions. How was he supposed to answer them when he didn't even know where they were?
"Pop, you need to wake up." Benz's voice cuts through his thoughts as he begins to shake him lightly.

Pop sucks in a deep breath, his eyes flying open.

It takes Pop's eyes a minute to adjust.
Oh, right. It was just a nightmare— the one he'd been experiencing ever since he was a kid.

Benz pulls Pop into a sitting position.
"You okay?" He asks gently, looking over him.
Pop's chest is still rising and falling quickly. "Yeah, sorry." He manages to mutter before swinging his legs over the side of the bed.
Benz grabs his wrist. "Where are you going?" He asks softly. "You don't have to be embarrassed. Everyone has nightmares."
Pop pauses. Nobody had ever reacted like that when he'd had his nightmare. No one had ever been... understanding.
"You wanna talk about it?" Benz continues, meeting Pop's eyes.

So Pop talks. He tells Benz about the nightmares.
How they were reoccurring, beginning later in his childhood, and how he didn't know what had caused it to start. And, for that matter, why they were still going.

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six months ago

Pop and Benz had grown closer and closer after that night in the hotel. Pop felt like he had a best friend, a confidant.

Benz had never felt closer to anyone outside of his family. Pop had practically become his human diary. He was so grateful that Pop had come into his life. But he was even more grateful that Pop had chosen to open up to him that night.

Pop and Benz walked away from the party together, stepping out into the cooling night air.

Their series had just begun to air.
Both of them felt so incredibly proud of both themselves and the other.

Though there was silence, it was a comfortable silence.
That was the thing about Pop and Benz, they could sit in silence and be completely happy. They stood side by side, looking out over the horizon.

Pop turned to Benz, and in one swift move he was kissing Benz. He hadn't been sure if he would follow through with it when they had walked out here.

Pop pulls back just a bit, meeting Benz's eyes.
"Pop..." Benz mutters, touching Pop's shoulder and pulling him back in.

The kiss started slow.
Pop could feel Benz's cheeks heating up and he smiles against his lips.

Benz looks up at Pop, wrapping his arms around Pop's neck. "You really know how to take my breath away, don't you?"
Pop snorts. "Good."

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The live had ended and Pop and Benz were left alone.

Benz pulled Pop to him, grabbing his upper arms and squeezing tightly as he tilts his head back to look at Pop with a grin on his lips. "Jealous boy." He murmurs, laughing softly.
Pop scowls, grabbing Benz's waist and pulling him closer as he rests his forehead against his.
"You don't have to be jealous," Benz tells him, brushing a strand of hair from Pop's eyes. "I'm yours."
Pop smiles at him, tilting his chin up and kissing him softly. "Promise?"
Benz smiles, pulling Pop to him. "Always."

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