Chapter 8: Sweet Dreams and Affectionate Whispers

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During a training session with her teammates Jenni and Mapi, Alexia found herself fielding questions about her growing connection with Elena. They had noticed the bond between the two women and couldn't resist some playful teasing.

"So, Alexia," Jenni began with a sly grin, "how's it been going with Elena? You two seem pretty close lately."

Mapi chimed in, her tone teasing, "Yeah, we've seen the way you look at each other. Anything you want to share with us?"

Alexia blushed slightly but didn't shy away from the topic. She smiled as she replied, "Well, we've been getting to know each other better. Elena's an amazing person, and I enjoy spending time with her."

Jenni and Mapi exchanged knowing glances before bursting into laughter. "You're blushing, Alexia!" Jenni teased, giving her a playful nudge.

Alexia laughed along with them, appreciating the support and camaraderie of her teammates. It was clear that they were happy for her, and their teasing was all in good fun. As they continued their training, the bond between the three friends remained strong, with Elena's presence adding an extra layer of excitement to their lives on and off the pitch.

During a break in their training session, Jenni found a moment to speak with Alexia privately. She couldn't resist her curiosity about the growing connection between Alexia and Elena, and her question was direct.

"Alexia," Jenni began, her voice gentle but probing, "do you like Elena more than just a friend?"

Alexia paused for a moment, considering her feelings. She smiled softly and replied, "I think there's something special between us, Jenni. Elena's an incredible person, and I enjoy being with her."

Jenni nodded understandingly, her tone supportive. "Well, Alexia, if you ever want to talk about it or if you need advice, you know you can count on us, right?"

Alexia appreciated Jenni's understanding and support. "Thanks, Jenni," she said with a grateful smile. "It means a lot to me."

Jenni couldn't resist a playful teasing as she continued the conversation about Alexia and Elena. With a mischievous grin, she said, "You know, Alexia, you're totally in love and whipped for Elena."

Alexia blushed, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. She chuckled and retorted, "I wouldn't say 'whipped,' Jenni, but there's definitely something special there."

Jenni laughed heartily, enjoying her role as the teasing friend. "Oh, come on," she teased, "we all see it. And it's kind of cute, you know?"

Alexia rolled her eyes playfully but couldn't help but smile. She appreciated the light-hearted banter and knew that Jenni's teasing came from a place of affection and support.

As Alexia arrived home from training, she was surprised to find Elena in her kitchen, busy preparing dinner. The aroma of a delicious meal filled the air, and she couldn't help but smile at the unexpected sight.

"Elena, what are you doing here?" Alexia asked, a mixture of surprise and delight in her voice.

Elena turned with a warm smile. "I thought I'd surprise you with dinner," she replied. "After all the time you spend on the field, you deserve a home-cooked meal."

Alexia's heart swelled with gratitude as she approached Elena in the kitchen. She wrapped her arms around the journalist, feeling a deep sense of appreciation for the thoughtful gesture. "You're amazing, Elena," she said sincerely. "Thank you for being here."

As they sat down to enjoy the delicious dinner Elena had prepared, she couldn't help but smile as she introduced Alexia to her cat, Suzy. She gently placed Suzy on the table, and the curious feline sniffed the air, then nuzzled Alexia's hand.

"This is Suzy," Elena said affectionately. "She's my furry little companion."

Alexia grinned as she petted Suzy, appreciating the playful and affectionate nature of the cat. "She's adorable," she remarked. "I didn't know you had a cat."

Elena nodded, her eyes filled with fondness for her pet. "Suzy's been with me for years. She's like family."

As they headed upstairs, Alexia couldn't resist calling Elena "Bonita," And as they reached the top of the stairs, in a tender moment, Alexia leaned in and softly kissed Elena on the nose. It was a sweet and gentle gesture, filled with affection and a silent declaration of her feelings.

Elena's heart skipped a beat, and she smiled lovingly at Alexia.

In the comfort of their shared bed, Alexia and Elena snuggled together, finding solace in each other's presence. Elena buried her face in Alexia's chest, and the midfielder couldn't help but smile at the endearing gesture.

"Goodnight, Bonita," Alexia whispered, her voice filled with affection, as she placed a sweet kiss on the top of Elena's head.

Elena let out a contented sigh, feeling safe and cherished in Alexia's embrace.

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