Chapter 22: Strength in Unity

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Alexia couldn't contain her frustration as she scrolled through her social media feed, her heart sinking when she saw the news about the Spanish national team. Her phone nearly slipped from her hands, but she managed to catch it just in time. Her eyes widened in disbelief, and she felt a surge of anger building within her.

The Spanish national team coach, Jorge Vilda, had informed the media that Alexia would not be selected for the team's upcoming tournament. It was a decision that seemed unfair and unjust, especially given her dedication and performance on the field.

Jenni and Mapi were quick to react, texting Alexia their support and echoing her sentiments about the situation. They knew how much representing the national team meant to her, and they were equally frustrated by the news.

Elena had woken up and, sensing Alexia's distress, went downstairs to find her shaking with anger. Without a word, she wrapped her arms around Alexia from behind, offering comfort and support.

"What's wrong, mi amor?" Elena asked softly, her voice filled with concern.

Alexia took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging within her. "It's Jorge Vilda," she began, her voice tinged with frustration. "He's decided not to select me for the national team's next tournament. It's just... it's not fair, Elena. I've given my all to represent Spain, and now this..."

Elena tightened her embrace, pressing a gentle kiss to Alexia's shoulder. "I'm so sorry, cariño," she murmured. "It's incredibly frustrating, I know. But remember, you have your teammates, your fans, and most importantly, me, standing by your side. We'll get through this together."

Alexia turned in Elena's arms, her eyes meeting Elena's with a mix of determination and gratitude. "You're right," she said, her voice steadier. "I won't let this setback define me. I'll keep working hard, and one day, I'll show them what they're missing."

Elena smiled, her love and support unwavering. "That's the spirit, mi amor. I believe in you, and I'm here for you every step of the way."

With Elena's comforting presence and unwavering belief in her, Alexia felt a renewed sense of determination. She knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she had the love and support she needed to overcome them.

As Alexia arrived at the training ground the next morning, she was determined to put the disappointment of the previous day behind her. She knew that her focus needed to be on her club, Barcelona, and giving her all on the pitch.

However, as she headed into the changing room, she realized she had forgotten her cleats at home. She couldn't believe it; this was unlike her. She sighed, feeling a bit embarrassed by her absentmindedness.

Just as she was contemplating how to handle the situation, Elena walked in, carrying Alexia's cleats in her hand. Alexia's face turned a deep shade of red as her girlfriend came to her rescue.

"Hey, mi amor," Elena said with a warm smile, holding out the cleats. "You forgot these this morning. I thought I'd bring them for you."

Alexia took the cleats, grateful but still feeling a bit flustered. "Thank you," she mumbled, her embarrassment evident.

Her teammates, including Jenni and Mapi, who were already in the changing room, couldn't resist seizing the opportunity to tease her. They exchanged knowing glances and grinned mischievously.

Jenni was the first to chime in, her tone playful. "Looks like our captain was a bit distracted this morning, huh?"

Mapi added with a sly grin, "Yeah, it's not every day we see Alexia Putellas forget her cleats."

The teasing continued, with comments and laughter filling the room. Alexia tried to play it off with a good-natured smile, but her face remained flushed.

Elena, always supportive, came to her defense. "It happens to the best of us," she said, offering a reassuring squeeze of Alexia's shoulder. "Besides, even without her cleats, my girlfriend is still the best player out there."

Alexia couldn't help but smile at Elena's words, her embarrassment dissipating. With her cleats in hand and Elena's unwavering support, she felt ready to face the training session ahead, even if her teammates continued to tease her.

As they all headed out to the pitch together, Alexia knew that no matter what challenges or teasing came her way, having Elena by her side made everything just a little bit easier to handle.

After training, Alexia and Elena found a quiet spot on the pitch to sit and talk. Alexia's insecurities about the media and the recent injury setbacks weighed heavily on her mind, and she needed to share her feelings with someone who understood.

As they settled on the grass, Alexia's eyes were downcast, and she spoke softly. "Elena, it's just been so tough lately. The media's been relentless, and I can't help but feel like I'm letting my teammates and fans down with these injuries."

Elena, her heart aching for her girlfriend, wrapped her arms around Alexia and kissed the top of her head. She whispered soothingly in Spanish, "Mi amor, you are an incredible player and an even more incredible person. Injuries are part of the game, and it doesn't diminish your talent or your value to the team."

Jenni and Mapi, who had been nearby, couldn't help but overhear the conversation. They exchanged concerned glances, realizing that their teasing from earlier had inadvertently contributed to Alexia's vulnerability.

Mapi spoke up first, her tone sincere. "Alexia, we're sorry if our teasing hurt you. We didn't realize you were feeling this way."

Jenni nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we're a team, and we should support each other, not add to the pressure."

Alexia looked up at her teammates, touched by their understanding and apology. She managed a small smile and said, "Thank you, both. It means a lot."

Elena continued to hold Alexia close, her voice filled with reassurance. "And remember, mi amor, you have all of us behind you. You're not alone in this."

As they sat together on the pitch, Alexia felt a renewed sense of support and love from both her teammates and her girlfriend.

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