Chapter 37: let me take care of you now

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As the game progressed, Elena couldn't shake off her unease. She could see the intensity in Alexia's eyes, but she also noticed she was playing with a slight limp. Her heart sank when, during a crucial moment in the match, Alexia went down after a hard tackle.

Elena immediately jumped from her seat, feeling a mix of fear and worry for her girlfriend. Isabella was in her lap, her tiny hand gripping Elena's finger, as if sensing her mother's distress.

Ignoring the stares of the people around her, Elena hurriedly made her way down to the training room. Her heart pounded in her chest as she thought about the possible extent of Alexia's injury.

Inside the training room, she found Alexia, still in her gear, sitting on the treatment table, holding her injured leg with a pained expression. Tears welled up in Elena's eyes as she rushed to her side.

"Alexia," she said softly, her voice trembling with concern. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Alexia looked up, her eyes red from both pain and disappointment. She took a deep breath and shook her head. "I think it's bad, Elena. I felt something pop when I went down."

Elena couldn't hold back her tears any longer. She put Isabella in Alexia's arms, carefully transferring their daughter. Isabella snuggled into Alexia's chest, and Elena kissed both of them on the forehead.

"It's going to be okay, Bonita," Elena whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "We'll get through this together."

Elena knew that she had to comfort both Isabella and Alexia. With a heavy heart, she gently took Isabella from Alexia's arms, feeling the baby's warmth and tiny heartbeat against her chest.

"Shh, Isabella," Elena cooed softly, rocking her gently. "It's okay, mami. Mama Alexia will be fine."

Isabella whimpered, her little face scrunched up in confusion and worry. She reached out her small hand, trying to touch Elena's face. Elena kissed Isabella's hand and held it against her cheek, feeling the softness of her daughter's touch.

Elena glanced over at Alexia, who was still fighting back tears, her face etched with pain. She took a deep breath and approached her.

"Alexia," Elena said in a soothing voice, "I'll take Isabella for a bit. You need to get that leg looked at. We'll be right here waiting for you."

Alexia nodded, reluctantly letting Isabella go. As Elena cradled their daughter, she watched Alexia leave the room with the medical staff. Isabella's cries began to subside as Elena continued to softly hum a lullaby.

Elena's heart ached as she thought about how much she wanted to be in two places at once—comforting Isabella and supporting Alexia. But she knew she had to be strong for both of them.

Minutes turned into what felt like hours, and Elena kept Isabella calm, swaying gently back and forth. Finally, the door to the training room swung open, and Alexia hobbled back in, her leg wrapped in a bandage.

Isabella's eyes lit up as she saw her mama, and Elena carefully handed her back to Alexia. Isabella snuggled into Alexia's embrace, and the three of them shared a bittersweet moment of relief and love.

Elena touched Alexia's shoulder gently, offering a reassuring smile. "You're going to be okay, Bonita. We're here for you, always."

Alexia kissed Isabella's head, her eyes filled with gratitude for the love and support she had in her family. "I know," she whispered, tears glistening in her eyes. "And I couldn't ask for anything more."

Elena carefully helped Alexia back home, her arm around her for support as they entered their cozy apartment. Isabella was nestled in her little carrier, her wide eyes curiously taking in the surroundings.

Once they were inside, Elena guided Alexia to their bedroom, where they could all be together. Gently, Elena helped Alexia settle into bed, making sure she was comfortable.

Isabella cooed softly, her tiny hands reaching out towards her mama Alexia. Alexia smiled weakly and took Isabella into her arms, letting their daughter rest against her chest. The warmth of Isabella's little body against her own was soothing.

Elena crawled onto the bed beside them, her fingers tracing comforting patterns on Alexia's arm. "You did great out there, amor," she murmured, her voice filled with admiration. "You're such a strong and talented athlete."

Alexia sighed, her expression still pained from the injury. "I just wish I could be out there with the team, especially with Isabella watching."

Elena leaned in to place a soft kiss on Alexia's forehead. "Isabella will see how strong her mama is, both on and off the field."

Isabella gurgled happily, as if agreeing with her mama Elena. Her little fingers wrapped around one of Alexia's curls, and Alexia couldn't help but smile.

As they cuddled together, Elena and Alexia shared quiet moments of reassurance and love. Isabella's presence was a balm to their worries, and her innocence reminded them of the beautiful family they were building.

Elena leaned over to kiss Isabella's tiny head and then turned to kiss Alexia, the depth of her feelings evident in her eyes. "We'll get through this together, mi amor. We have each other."

Alexia nodded, her eyes welling up with gratitude and love for Elena and Isabella. "I know, and I'm the luckiest person in the world because of it."

With Isabella between them, they cuddled close, finding comfort in their little family as they all drifted off to sleep for the night.

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