Chapter 55: let me take care of you

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As Alexia arrived at the training ground the next day, her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Elena's health. She knew that she needed to confide in someone, and her teammate Jenni was the closest person she could trust. Jenni had always been a good listener, and she had a way of offering support that put Alexia at ease.

During a break in training, Alexia found a moment alone with Jenni on the sideline. She took a deep breath, her eyes showing a mix of concern and vulnerability.

"Jenni, can I talk to you about something personal?" Alexia began, her voice laced with worry.

Jenni immediately noticed the seriousness in Alexia's tone and nodded, her expression attentive. "Of course, Alexia. What's on your mind?"

Alexia hesitated for a moment, choosing her words carefully. "It's about Elena. She hasn't been feeling well lately. She's tired all the time, and she's lost her appetite. I'm really worried about her."

Jenni's brows furrowed in concern as she listened. "That doesn't sound good. Has she seen a doctor?"

Alexia shook her head. "Not yet, but we have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning. I just can't help but worry. She's been pushing herself so hard, and I don't want anything to happen to her."

Jenni reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Alexia's shoulder. "I understand why you're worried, Alexia, but you're doing the right thing by getting her to see a doctor. And remember, you're not alone in this. You have your teammates, and we're here to support you."

Alexia let out a sigh of relief, grateful for Jenni's understanding. "Thank you, Jenni. I just needed someone to talk to about this. It means a lot to me."

Jenni gave her a warm smile. "Anytime, Alexia. We're a team on and off the field, and we'll be here for you, Elena, and Isabella."

As training resumed, Alexia felt a weight lifted off her shoulders, knowing she had someone to confide in. She was determined to be strong for Elena and face whatever challenges lay ahead as a united front.

After a rigorous training session, Alexia returned home with a mix of exhaustion and worry still clouding her thoughts. She hoped that Elena's doctor's appointment had gone well, but her concern for her partner's health continued to gnaw at her.

As she entered their home, the sight that greeted her tugged at her heartstrings. There was Elena, sitting on the living room floor, her energy visibly drained, but still managing to muster a weak smile as she played with Isabella. Isabella, blissfully unaware of her mother's condition, giggled and reached for Elena's fingers.

Alexia couldn't help but feel a surge of love and protectiveness wash over her. She knew how much Elena cherished these moments with their daughter, even when she wasn't feeling her best.

"Hey, Bonita," Alexia greeted Elena softly, kneeling down beside them, careful not to disturb their play. She gently placed a hand on Elena's shoulder, her eyes filled with affection.

Elena looked up, her smile brightening at the sight of Alexia. "Hey," she replied, her voice soft and tired. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," Alexia whispered, leaning in to press a loving kiss to Elena's forehead. "How was your day?"

Elena sighed, leaning into Alexia's touch. "I had a bit of a rough day, but Isabella always makes it better."

Alexia nodded, understanding the sentiment completely. "Isabella has that effect on all of us," she said, brushing a lock of hair away from Elena's face. "I'm glad you two had some quality time together."

Elena's eyes were filled with gratitude as she gazed at Alexia. "And how was training?"

Alexia sighed, her concern for Elena still evident. "Training was good, but it's not the same without you there, Bonita."

Elena squeezed Alexia's hand. "I'll be back on the field with you soon, I promise."

Alexia smiled, her love for Elena evident in her eyes. "I know you will. But for now, let me take care of both of you." She reached for Isabella, gently cradling their daughter in her arms.

As they sat together, Alexia knew that their love and support for each other would see them through whatever challenges they faced. With Isabella nestled safely between them, their little family was a source of strength and happiness, even in the face of uncertainty.

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