Chapter 9: Playful Exchange and Tender Moments

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As the morning light filtered into the room, Alexia woke up to find Elena's legs tangled with hers. The warmth and closeness between them felt perfect, and she hesitated to move. However, the reality of her training schedule reminded her that she couldn't stay in bed, tempting as it was.

With a soft sigh, Alexia gently untangled herself from Elena's embrace, careful not to wake her. She couldn't help but steal a lingering glance at the sleeping journalist, appreciating the beauty of the moment they had shared.

As she got ready for training, Alexia knew that despite the physical distance, their connection remained strong.

With one last gentle kiss on Elena's head, Alexia whispered, "I'll see you later, Bonita," before heading off to her training session. The warmth of their morning embrace lingered in her thoughts as she prepared to face the challenges of the day.

However, when she arrived at training, Alexia was met with a demanding session led by her coach. The coach emphasized the need for her to focus more and gain better control over her performance. It was a tough training day, pushing Alexia to her limits, but she was determined to improve and give her best for her team.

As she pushed through the training session, Alexia couldn't help but think about the support and understanding she found in Elena.

As Alexia's kicks continued to go wide of the net, frustration began to build within her. Her coach's constant yelling only added to her irritation. Each missed shot seemed like a reminder of the morning's warmth with Elena slipping further away.

Determined to prove herself, Alexia gritted her teeth and focused harder. She knew she could do better, and she wasn't about to let her emotions or her coach's criticism get the best of her. With each subsequent kick, she aimed more precisely, putting in the extra effort to regain control over her performance.

After the demanding training session, Alexia checked her phone and was greeted by a heartwarming message from Elena. The journalist wished her good luck at training and sent a sweet picture of herself in bed with her cat, along with a message that said, "Miss her."

Alexia couldn't help but smile at the message and the adorable picture of Elena with Suzy. It was a reminder of the connection they shared, even when they were physically apart. Her heart swelled with affection as she quickly replied, "Miss you too, Bonita. Can't wait to see you."

As Alexia was engrossed in texting Elena, Jenni couldn't help but notice the smile on her captain's face. She couldn't resist a mischievous giggle and decided to tease her.

"Well, well, well," Jenni began with a playful grin, "looks like Elena has turned our tough captain into a big softie."

Alexia, caught off guard by the teasing, blushed and tried to defend herself. "I'm not a softie," she protested, her voice a mix of shyness and defensiveness. "We just...understand each other."

Jenni laughed heartily, enjoying her role as the teasing friend. "Sure, Alexia," she teased, "whatever you say."

Their playful banter continued, and it was clear that Jenni was delighted to see her usually stoic captain displaying a softer side.

As Elena got out of the shower she heard a knock on her front door making her confused as she opened the door coming face to face with her ex girlfriend.

Despite her trembling voice and shaky resolve, Elena made it clear to her ex-girlfriend that she didn't want to talk and that she had moved on. She attempted to close the door to put an end to the encounter.

However, her ex-girlfriend's aggression was evident as she stopped Elena and forcefully entered the house. The intrusion left Elena feeling small and vulnerable, her anxiety intensifying as she continued to shake.

Elena found herself backed into a corner, trembling and whimpering in fear as her aggressive ex-girlfriend approached, threatening to kiss her against her will. The situation had escalated to a point of distress.

Just when it seemed unbearable, Alexia arrived, anger evident in her voice as she yelled at the intruder to leave. Her commanding presence finally forced the woman to retreat.

Once her ex-girlfriend was gone, Alexia rushed to Elena's side, wrapping her in a protective and soothing hug. She whispered words of comfort and reassurance in Elena's ear, providing the support and care she needed in this vulnerable moment.

As they made their way up to Elena's room, Alexia held her tightly, offering the warmth and comfort that Elena needed in this difficult moment. She cradled Elena in her arms, and the journalist cried, her tears soaking Alexia's chest.

Alexia's heart ached at the sight of Elena in pain, and she couldn't fathom how anyone could hurt her Bonita. She held her even tighter, whispering soothing words and promises of protection.

With Elena in her arms, Alexia began to softly speak words of comfort and reassurance. She told Elena how beautiful she was, both inside and out, and praised her for her bravery, intelligence, and sense of humor.

"You're one of the most amazing people I've ever known," Alexia whispered to Elena, her voice filled with sincerity. "You're strong, smart, and incredibly funny."

Then, with a shy and tender smile, Alexia admitted, "You know, you've turned me into a softie, Bonita. I can't help it when I'm around you."

Elena's laughter was like a balm to both of their souls, easing the tension and sadness that had lingered from the earlier encounter. As she playfully teased Alexia about telling Jenni, she even went so far as to place her finger on the call button, mimicking a threat to spill the secret.

Alexia couldn't help but whine playfully, her voice tinged with shyness, as she pleaded in Spanish, "No, por favor, no le digas, no quiero que Jenni sepa lo blanda que me has hecho." (No, please, don't tell her, I don't want Jenni to know how much of a softie you've turned me into.)

Elena laughed at Alexia's reaction, clearly enjoying the playfulness of their exchange.

Elena, with a mischievous glint in her eye, made a playful offer to Alexia. "I promise I won't tell," she said with a flirtatious smile, "but only if you give me a back massage, Captain."

Alexia's cheeks flushed at the teasing proposition, and she couldn't help but chuckle. "You drive a hard bargain, Bonita," she replied, her voice filled with affection. "Deal."

Elena turned around, a smirk on her face, and got ready for Alexia to give her a massage. As the usually confident captain began to offer the massage, her composure slipped a little, and she couldn't help but whimper in response to Elena's flirting.

Elena's playful teasing and Alexia's adorable reaction only added to the intimacy of the moment.

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