Chapter 34: A Family on the Field

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The soft cry of their baby, Isabella, broke the silence of the night, rousing Alexia and Elena from their slumber. Alexia groggily reached for the baby monitor on the bedside table, her heart aching at the sound.

Elena, equally tired but determined, leaned over and kissed Alexia's forehead. "I'll get her this time, Bonita."

Alexia nodded with gratitude, her eyes heavy with sleep. Elena carefully slipped out of bed and padded her way to Isabella's nursery. The dim nightlight cast a gentle glow in the room as she approached the crib.

Isabella's cries grew louder as Elena picked her up, cradling her in her arms. Elena whispered soothing words in Spanish, her voice a comforting melody as she walked back to their bedroom.

Alexia was sitting up in bed, concern etched on her face. She reached out as Elena handed Isabella over to her. The baby fussed, tiny hands reaching out, and her cries softened when she was nestled between her mothers.

Elena joined Alexia in bed, and together they gently rocked Isabella. They took turns planting sweet kisses on her forehead and whispering loving words. Isabella's eyes were heavy with sleep, and it wasn't long before her cries turned into soft sighs.

"She just wanted to be with her mamas," Elena said, her voice a tender murmur.

Alexia smiled, exhaustion momentarily forgotten as she looked down at their daughter. "And we're right here, always."

They continued to cuddle Isabella, allowing the warmth of their embrace to soothe her back to sleep. In the quiet moments that followed, they exchanged glances filled with love and gratitude for the beautiful family they had created together.

Alexia and Elena couldn't wait to introduce Isabella to the team. It was a sunny day, and the training session was filled with energy and excitement. As they arrived with Isabella in tow, she was snugly wrapped in a baby carrier against Elena's chest.

The moment they stepped onto the field, the team couldn't help but notice the precious bundle nestled against Elena. Smiles lit up their faces as they gathered around, their eyes filled with adoration.

Jenni, always the first to speak her mind, grinned widely. "Well, look who we have here! Isabella, meet your future teammates!"

Isabella blinked her innocent baby eyes, taking in the faces surrounding her. The players couldn't resist cooing and making funny faces, trying to elicit a reaction from the little one.

Mapi, who was usually reserved, couldn't help but speak up. "She's absolutely beautiful, Elena, Alexia. You've got a little soccer star, I can tell."

Alexia chuckled. "Maybe one day she'll wear the jersey too."

Elena kissed Isabella's head lovingly. "Our little future midfielder."

As the training session continued, Isabella remained content, seemingly soaking in the cheers and laughter of the team. She was wrapped in Alexia's jersey, which seemed almost too big for her tiny frame, but it made her look even more adorable.

Throughout the practice, Isabella's presence brought an extra dose of joy to the team. Even as they ran drills and practiced their passes, they couldn't resist stealing glances at the littlest member of the squad as Elena cradled Isabella in her arms.

After training, they all gathered around once more to admire Isabella. Elena and Alexia beamed with pride, feeling grateful for the love and support of their soccer family.

Jenni grinned mischievously. "I think we've found our secret weapon for the next match, Captain. Isabella will bring us luck."

Alexia laughed heartily. "Who needs luck when we have this little angel on our side?"

Isabella, perhaps sensing the love surrounding her, let out a gurgling coo, as if she was already cheering for her mamas and the team.

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