Chapter 17: frustration and lashing out

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The days following Alexia's ankle injury were a challenging time for both her and Elena. The once fiercely independent midfielder was now confined to crutches, and the frustration of her limited mobility was taking a toll on her.

Elena had been a constant presence by Alexia's side, assisting her with daily tasks, and offering emotional support. However, as the days turned into weeks, the weight of her injury became increasingly burdensome for Alexia.

One sunny afternoon, Alexia and Elena decided to snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie together. It was meant to be a relaxing break from the monotony of recovery, a chance for Alexia to forget about her injury for a while.

They settled in, the soft glow of the TV illuminating their cozy living room. Elena had prepared a bowl of popcorn, and she placed it within Alexia's reach, knowing that her girlfriend couldn't easily get up and down from the couch.

As they began watching the movie, Alexia's frustration started to bubble to the surface. She missed the freedom of running on the field, of feeling the adrenaline rush of a game. But now, her ankle was a constant reminder of her limitations.

Elena sensed Alexia's agitation, her keen intuition picking up on the subtle shifts in her girlfriend's mood. She tried to offer comfort by placing her arm around Alexia, pulling her close.

But the more Alexia watched the movie, the more her frustration grew. She found herself clenching her fists, her jaw tightening as she watched the athletes on the screen perform feats that she could only dream of at the moment.

Unable to contain her frustration any longer, Alexia suddenly pushed away from Elena, causing her to drop the popcorn bowl. The kernels scattered across the floor, an inconsequential mess compared to the emotional turmoil in the room.

"Elena, I can't do this!" Alexia's voice trembled with a mix of anger and despair. "I can't just sit here and watch while everyone else is out there playing the game I love."

Elena, though taken aback by Alexia's sudden outburst, remained calm. She knew that this was a difficult time for her girlfriend, and she needed to be patient and understanding. She gently reached out and placed a hand on Alexia's shoulder.

"Alexia, I know this is hard," Elena said softly. "But you're strong, and you'll recover. It's just a temporary setback."

But Alexia was not ready to hear words of reassurance. Her frustration was overwhelming, and she pushed Elena's hand away, her eyes filling with tears. "It's not temporary! It feels like I'll never play again, and I hate feeling so... helpless."

Elena felt her own heartache at seeing Alexia in such pain. She moved closer, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend and holding her tightly. "I understand, Alexia. I can't imagine how difficult this is for you. But remember, you have a team of people who love and support you, including me."

Alexia clung to Elena, her tears soaking into the journalist's shoulder. She knew that Elena was right, but in that moment, all she could feel was the weight of her injury and the uncertainty of when she would be back on the field.

As the tears subsided, Alexia buried her face in Elena's neck, her anger slowly dissipating. Elena held her, offering the comfort and solace she so desperately needed.

In that moment of vulnerability, Alexia realized that even when she lashed out in frustration, Elena would be there to hold her, to remind her that she was not alone in her struggle. Their love was a source of strength, a beacon of hope that would guide her through the challenging days ahead.

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