The Night Falls (Chapter 1)

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I looked down at the book and sighed. Might as well try it out. I had stolen some candels from a cabinet in the living room, so we could try this out. This was not one of my smartest decisions, and that's saying something. Once I tried to do a triple backflip, on my bike, off the roof. I rolled my eyes and laid out five candles, evenly spaced, in a circle.

I grabbed a small knife and looked over my fingers. I slightly cut my pointer finger and winced. This was like the time I shredded my fingernail off with a cheese grater. I drew a circle and some demonic runes with my own blood. I put a band-aid on my finger and lit the candles.

"With the will of heart and strength, upon the worlds from hell to appear to this earth. I call upon a demon."

I thought something would happen, even just a light flicker. But nothing. I knew it and chuckled. I snuffed out the candles with my breath and cleaned up the floor, hiding the candles in my desk. I paused, just for a moment, and shook my head.

"God dammit, why did I think that would work!?"

I rolled my eyes, grabbed a sketchpad from my desk, and sat on my bed. I pulled out a pencil from my bedside table and started drawing some random doodles. I wasn't tired yet. I know. Story of my life. I just drew and before I knew it, it was already 12:30. I sighed and closed my sketchbook. I put my sketchbook on my dresser and slid under the covers, closing my eyes.

After what felt like a few hours, I looked up at the clock. 12:40. My brows furrowed. How had I only been lying down for 10 minutes!? I lay down again and shoved my pillow on my face.*

"Just get to sleep, Y/N!" I muttered to myself. I stood up and walked over to the radio on my desk. Yeah, I knew it was old-fashioned. But my mom never allowed me to get a phone. Her reasoning? Quoting her: "You could go out and meet up with your friends without me knowing." Uhhh... What friends? I chuckled to myself, switching the radio until I found something playing some relaxing music. I lay down in bed again with a soft smile and closed my eyes. After a minute or two, I felt myself fall into a peaceful sleep. A bit odd considering I just tried to summon a demon, but I am kind of stupid at times.

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