Secret Broadcast (Chapter 15)

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(((Art in the banner is not mine. I just found it in the images tab.)))

Five days after the last chapter

I was sitting on my bed, looking through images from a picture book. Alastor gave me a moment on earth to grab the picture book with all the pictures of my family, so I was just looking through that.

Even if they were horrible parents, it was nice to remember the times when I was naive enough to think they were perfect.

I was mostly looking at pictures of my mom and me while playing music through my over-ear headphones. It was nice. I flipped through the pages, giggling when I remembered the good memories.

Until I flipped to page 23 and saw a picture of my dad. Next to it, is a picture of me, Mom, and Dad. All the pictures on pages 23 and 24 had my dad. I closed the picture book and set it down on the bedside table. I crawled under the covers and lay there on my side, my knees and hands near my face as I tried not to cry.

I was trying not to cry. Trying to learn not to show signs of weakness. I brought my arms over my chest and hugged myself. I felt the tears roll down my face and onto the mattress.

I felt a weight on the bed as someone sat down.

"My dear... what's troubling you?"

I peeked out from under the covers before sliding under the blankets again. I closed my eyes and wiped my tears away.

"J-just looking at pictures of my dad..."

He put a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh? Do you miss him or something?"

I shook my head. 

"N-not at all. For all I care he could be burning down here and I would laugh..." I took a deep breath. "I just don't want to remember him any further."

I heard Alastor sigh. He slowly pulled the covers away so he could see my face. He put a hand on my cheek.

"Do you mind telling me why or would that make you remember him more than you already have?"

I looked at him, my expression softening.

"If I'm simplifying this... he hurt my mom and me. He would beat my mom and cut her with a knife. He usually left me alone, but one night he started attacking me with a knife as well."

I saw him clench his teeth. He hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and cried into his shoulder. I felt weak. I wasn't supposed to be crying, especially to him. After I stopped crying, he summoned a book out of thin air and handed it to me. He stood up.

"I need to go. But... I want you to read that."

I watched him vanish into the shadows. I raised an eyebrow and opened the book. I saw a sticky note on the first page.

'Hello, my love. If you wish to unravel this secret, continue flipping through the pages to find these notes.'

I smiled and looked through the pages to find the next note. the next note was on page 24

'Radio channel.'

I took the note and placed it beside me, trying to find the next note. Page 49.


Page 73 


Page 107


Page 145


I checked the rest of the book, and that was the final note. I looked at the notes. 

"Radio channel... 2964" I looked at the radio on my bedside table. Alastor had gifted it to me a few days ago. I tried to find the correct channel and whatnot to tune into. 


I adjusted the little radio antenna, trying to remove the static. Come on... there! I put it on my bedside table and listened. I hear Alastor's laugh.

"This radio broadcast goes out to my dear Y/N! I have found the person who has caused you pain in your life. Although, he seems to be a demon now! No surprise there!"

I heard a scream that sounded like my dad's and Alastor's radio static when he was using his powers. I laughed.

"Yeah! Get him, Alastor!"

I smiled and listened.

"Thank you for tuning in! The rest of this broadcast will just be his beautiful screams. Alastor, moving out!"

My dad's screams were like music to my ears. I smiled, closing my eyes and listening. I heard him screaming and begging for mercy. He deserved every bit of it. He caused so much pain to me and my mom. He was the one who caused all of this. His screams reminded me of my own when he hurt me. Karma...

After minutes which felt like a few beautiful hours to me, his screams died down as he fell dead. I smiled and chuckled. I heard his voice over the radio.

"Thank you for listening. I hope you enjoyed it, Y/N."

My smile turned a bit softer.

"I did, Al."

I made sure the brodcast ended before turning the radio off. I took a deep breath, that wide smile still plastered on my face. His screams were beautiful. Music to my ears.

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