Nightfall (Chapter 13)

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After we had beat the crap out of Angel Dust and deleted the video, we both went to do whatever we went to do. I went to my room and started reading. Around an hour later, Charlie knocked on my door

"Y/N! Alastor is making dinner! So be ready to come out in about... ten minutes is what he said!"

I smiled.

"Ok! I'll be out soon."

I heard Charlie walk away. I stood up, made sure I looked presentable, and left my room. I walked into the dining room and helped Angel Dust set out the plates and silverware. I smelled a nice, savory smell from the kitchen. I had to resist peeking in there, since Alastor said he wanted it to be a secret for my first time.

Soon, Alastor brought out a dish of something and put it on the table. Charlie's smile brightened.

"Alastor! You made jambalaya!"

Alastor smiled and nodded. Vaggie chuckled.

"Even I'll admit, his jambalaya is really... really good."

I smiled. My mom used to say her father, my grandpa, made jambalaya. But I never in my life got to have some. We all sat down and got some. As I took a bite, my face lit up. It. was. AWSOME!

I smiled brightly and looked at him. "Holy heck. That is really good, Alastor."

Alastor chuckled. "It's my mother's recipe! I just added some deer venison to the recipe."
Everyone ate as much as they could. Everyone was talking, laughing, and eating the wonderful meal.

Everyone took turns making meals I guess. Everyone went to clean off their dishes like plates, cups, and silverware. We were all laughing and telling jokes. We went off to the lobby and started trading "insults" despite not actually meaning them.

Angel Dust: "Vaggie. You're a gray sprinkle on a rainbow cupcake."

Vaggie: "Y/N, your face makes onions cry."

Y/N: "Husker, you look like something I would draw with my left hand."

Husker: "Charlie. You're about as useful as a screen door on a submarine."

Charlie: "Niffty! If I throw a stick, will you leave?"

Niffty: "Alastor, you have a face only a mother could love."

Alastor:  "Vaggie. You're impossible to underestimate."

Vaggie: "Angel Dust. Unless your name is Google, you need to stop acting like you know everything."

Angel Dust: "Alastor. Two wrongs do not create a right. Your parents are an example."

Alastor: "Husker!  If laughter is the best medicine, your face must be curing the world."

Husker: "Niffty. May both sides of your pillow be uncomfortably warm."

Niffty: "Charlie! Calling you an idiot would be an insult to all stupid people."

Charlie: "Y/N.  If I said anything to offend you, it was purely intentional."

Y/N: "Oh Charlie. Don't be ashamed of who you are. That's your parents' job."

Charlie: "Vaggie. Your family tree must be a cactus 'cause you're all a bunch of pricks."

This back and forth went on for a few hours until we all decided to go to bed. Alastor and I walked to the end of the hall. I had room 007. He had room 005. Our rooms were right next to each other. I waved goodnight to him and walked inside my room, closing and locking my door.

I laid down and rolled onto my side, closing my eyes. I pulled the covers even further up my body and snuggled deeper into my pillow. I felt myself drifting into a peaceful sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~??? POV~~~~~~~~~~

I watched her snuggled into her covers and fall asleep. She looked peaceful and happy. As I hid in the shadows, she just slept. I vanished into thin air and found him again

"She's just sleeping. Nothing bad. She's safe"

He nodded in return.

"Good. Whenever I'm not close to her I want you to keep an eye on her."

His eyes narrowed as he spoke. I nodded.

"Yes, sir."

~~~~~~~~~~????? POV~~~~~~~~~~

I looked at Alastor from the shadows as he snapped his fingers. I went to report back to her.

 I told her the news and she nodded, also snapping her fingers. i vanished into thin air, hoping I would be called on again.

~~~~~~~~~~Charlie POV~~~~~~~~~~

I looked at Vaggie, who was sitting next to me in bed. I sighed and snuggled next to her. 

"He's likes her. I can tell."

Vaggie looked at me and smiled, cuddling me.

"That much is obvious, hon."

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