Well, you were human. Your mom was overprotective and didn't allow you to leave the house without being monitored 24/7 by her. So, you had been stuck in your room for almost your whole life. Your dad cheated on your mom, which made your mom clingy t...
I slowly felt feelings and sensations return to me. I felt the feeling of asphalt on almost every inch of my body that laid on the road. I took a sharp, deep breath as I pushed myself off the ground. I was alive?
I managed to stand up, despite my legs feeling like Jello. I held my head in my hands as my gaze darted around. The sky was a crimson red, and had a pentagram shape in the sky. Lots of buildings, most of them involving things like sex, drugs, or weapons.
Was this hell?
There was a lot less fire than I had imagined, and a lot less eternal suffering
Just a lot of explosions and demons of all shapes, looks, and sizes. I moved over to the sidewalk so I wasn't in the middle of the road. I looked at myself in the window.
I had long red hair with black tips at the end of each strand of hair. I also had very pale skin, almost sheet-white but with a hint of grey, and red eyes. I frowned and noticed my hair also evoked the ears of a deer, just like Alastor. Except, I didn't have antlers. Must be a thing for guys. I was also around 6'10
I was wearing a tight black dress that would normally be constrictive, but I guess I became a lot thinner when I came to hell. It was like a corset was sewed into the dress. Along with the dress, i was wearing black opera gloves for... some reason. I also wore tall high-heel boots that were a crimson red. I really didn't like the outfit, but I would take what I could get.
((Imagine this as the dress. and yes i stole this image off of amazon))
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I started to look around a bit, unsure what I should be looking for. Most demons didn't really pay attention to me, which I loved. I didn't want to be seen in this infernal abyss. There were always a few demons who stared as either my chest or my ass.
I tried to ignore them and walk as fast as I could. I crossed my arms as I walked. I didn't really like them just hanging there. I made sure to be as polite as I could so as to not get killed, again, on my first day.
However, as I was admiring the buildings and whatnot, I accidentally bumped into someone. They were holding some papers, and we both fell on our ass.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! I should have been looking where I was walking!"
I helped her pick up the papers she dropped and handed them back to her. She was a tall and slender demon, standing at around 6 feet. She had long, blonde hair which was tied into a twice-banded low ponytail. Her lips were black and she had rosy red cheeks