Problems (Chapter 4)

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Today was another day... With a demon...

Whoever this demon was, he was now sitting on a chair in my bedroom. I had warned him not to leave since my mom would exorcise the shit out of him. You know... that type of Christian mom. I was pacing in my room, trying to figure out how to un-summon a demon. I didn't want one spying on me 24/7. He told me he could basically teleport, but that didn't make me feel any better.

I picked up that book about demons again and looked at the table of contents. Apparently, there was no section for un-summoning demons. So I flipped over the the chapter for Overlord Demons. Which, for some reason, I had summoned. Why couldn't I have just summoned a regular sinner or an imp for crying out loud?

I looked at the sub-chapters for Overlord Demons, and found Alastor as one of them. I flipped to page 666, ironic I know, and skimmed over the page. I clenched my teeth as I found out a demon cannot be un-summoned, but they have to return to Hell on their own terms. I looked up at Alastor. He was just humming and seemed to have no intention of leaving. I sighed.

"So I read on it, and you have to return to hell on your own terms at whatever time you please..." I muttered, hoping he didn't hear. He looked up at me, his grin still present but seeming to grow a tiny bit, and chuckled. "So I can leave whenever I want to?" I sighed and nodded, hoping he would choose to leave. He laughed. "I think I'll choose to stay..." My eyes widened. "Wait wait wait. WHAT!?" He chuckled and shook his head, standing up and walking over to me. "I think you heard me perfectly well."

I frowned. He tilted his head and put his pointer finger on the left side of my lips and his thumb on the right side of my lips. He pulled my lips into a smile. "Smile my dear! You know you're never fully dressed without one!" He let go of my lips and sat down on the chair again.

I looked at the smile he put on my lips in the mirror. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair and flopped, face-first, onto my bed. He laughed. "Is something distressing you, Y/N?"  I looked at him and shrugged. "I don't know. Is it a bit odd I don't want a demon in my house!?" He laughed.

"Oh Y/N, lighten up! It's not like I'm going to hurt you or spy on you!" 

I sighed and frowned. He teleported behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. "What do you want from me?" He smiled and shrugged. "Nothing in particular. I just want to stay around!" I looked at him and buried my face into my legs as I sat on my bed. For a second, I could have sworn his smile faltered. But it came back as quickly as it left. He sat next to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

A shiver ran up my spine as I looked at him. His smile was... warm and kind? He pulled me closed and ran his fingers through my hair. His hands were cold, but it felt nice. I leaned against him. He seemed vaguely uncomfortable, but he seemed to 'get over it'.

He smiled softly. "Y/N..." I looked up at him. "Yeah?" He paused before shaking his head. "Nevermind. It's nothing." I smiled warmly. 

Despite his hands being cold, his body was warm. Normally, he radiated a cold, unnerving, and unfriendly aura. But at the moment it felt warm, kind, and friendly. He leaned against the wall and held me close. I leaned against him.

He closed his eyes and sighed. I wasn't sure if it was contentedly or aggravated. He was good at hiding his emotions, almost like me. But he still held me. I wasn't sure if it was for my comfort, for his, or something else. He looked down at me, and I looked up at him. Our eyes locked. He put a hand on my cheek.

After a few moments of looking into the other's eyes, I heard my mom stomping up the stairs. My eyes widened and Alastor vanished into thin air. I lay down and grabbed a book, pretending to read. My mom basically kicked the door open and looked at me.

She walked up to me, smacking the book out of my hands. I yelped out of surprise as the book landed on the floor. She grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and tossed me out of the bed. I slammed into the floor.

She put her boot on my arm and grabbed my other arm with her hand. I winced as she pressed down on my arm with her boot. She yanked my arm up and I screamed. I felt like my arm would snap in half.

"Y/N you are in some deep shit!"

My breathing was deep and shaking as she tossed a book to the floor beside me. I glanced at it and my eyes widened. It was the book I used to summon the demon. She was staring daggers at me and she looked around. Panic filled my eyes.

"What else are you hiding from me!?" 

"N-nothing! I swear!" She pulled on my arm harder and I felt some of my joints and bones move I screamed. Tears ran down my face as she stared at me. I still didn't speak. After what felt like hours of her holding my arm in that position, she let go of my arm and let it fall to the floor. She left the room and slammed the door, locking it from the outside.

Alastor appeared beside me and picked me up, bridal style. He put me on the bed and sat next to me. His smile was shaking as he put a hand on my arm that she tugged on. He lowered his head, his gaze still on me. I looked at him. He took a deep breath to try to calm himself.

"Are you ok, Y/N?"

I nodded. "Yeah. My arm just hurts now..." 

He smiled slightly and put his hand on the side of my face. His hand was warmer now. I smiled as well and put my other hand on his cheek. He didn't break eye contact. A million emotions were rushing through me, and I could see the same in Alastor's eyes.

His eyes narrowed a bit as he removed his hand from my face and stood up. He clenched his teeth. I could hear him muttering some words under his breath, and I could only make out some of them. "Messing... mind......what....hate....weak." He shook his head before teleporting somewhere else.

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