More Than Meets the Eye (Chapter 10)

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I heard someone knock on my door. My eyes slowly opened and I mumbled under my breath before speaking so whoever it was could hear me.

"Who is it...?"

"It's Charlie! Wake up, Y/N! Angel Dust made waffles for breakfast."

I perked up and looked at the door. I hadn't had a decent breakfast in years. Well, for about 19 years. The last good breakfast I had was when my dad was still living with us.

"I'll be out in a moment!" 

I heard Charlie walk away. I stood up and looked myself in the mirror which was on the wall. I straightened up my hair and switched into another pair of clothes. I would have to learn some sort of magic to switch my clothes, since Charlie said it was possible.

I left my room and walked down the hall. Charlie led me into the dining room where Angel Dust brought out a lot of waffles. Everyone sat down and grabbed some. I hadn't eaten since I was on earth, so I grabbed two to start.

There was maple syrup, berries, or whipped cream if you wanted it. I just went with maple syrup and a few slices of strawberries. I ate the waffles, trying to be polite as I ate. Didn't want to make a bad first impression

"These waffles are really good, Angel."

Angel smiled as he was chewing on a bite. Once he swallowed, he looked at me and chuckled.

"Thanks toots. This was my family's recipe on earth."

I smiled and continued eating. Angel Dust looked at Alastor's plate. He didn't really have much besides a few fruits on the waffle. Alastor wasn't the biggest fan of sweet things. Angel Dust chuckled when he saw some strawberries on the waffles.

"Living up to your nickname I gave you, Al? Or should I say... Strawberry Pimp."
Alastor froze up when he heard that,  his head snapping in Angel's direction. He tilted his head, his pupils turning to radio dials.

"Call me that again and I will rip your freak spider limps from your body."

Charlie intervened, speaking up.

"Alright! No fighting at the table!"

Angel Dust rolled his eyes and Alastor's pupils went back to normal. He ate his waffles, and so did Angel. I chuckled before we started eating in silence. Once I finished, I took my plate and utensils and went to the kitchen to go wash off my stuff. I rinsed off the plate, fork, and knife with some soap and water before putting them on the drying rack.

I smiled and saw Alastor walk into the kitchen. He started cleaning off his dishes as well. I dried off my hands with a towel and looked at him. He looked... off.

"You ok, Alastor?"

He glanced up at me, putting the dishes on the drying rack.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. Just... tired."

Had he really stuttered? He was always so confident when he spoke. I smiled softly and tossed the hand towel to him so he could dry off his hands. He caught it and chuckled.
"Thanks, Y/N."

I nodded and left the kitchen. I walked around the hotel, trying to get my bearings. Soon, I found a room labeled 'Library'. I walked inside, spotting Niffty reading something in the corner. 

I looked through the books before finding one on demon magic. I pulled the book out of the bookshelf and sat down at one of the tables that were scattered around the library.

I read through all the types of magic. I was mostly focused on healing and some other miscellaneous spells. Soon, I had found a few spells that interested me. I grabbed a notebook and wrote down the spells. 

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