Extermination Day (Chapter 16)

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It was a few days after Alastor had killed her father for her. At the moment, she was listening to music through her headphones... in the lobby. Everyone was walking around, looking in some inconspicuous places. I didn't ask, assuming it was just something I didn't get the memo for.

I just doodled in my notebook, listening to some music until Alastor grabbed me by the arm and shook me. I turned off my music and looked at him.

"What's up, Al?"

He looked worried, his smile almost gone. He sighed.

"I should have told you earlier but I forgot. Today is Extermination Day. Angels come down from heaven and kill all the demons they can. Right now, we're trying to find places to hide... just in case."

He let go and paused, seemingly thinking.

"You're probably not powerful enough to fight this many angels, so you'll have to hide."

I clenched my teeth.

"I'm not weak, Alastor. I can fight!"

Alastor shook his head and grabbed my arm, pulling me up and leading me somewhere.

"You don't understand, Y/N. These things are able to kill any Overlord easily. If there weren't rules in place, they might be able to kill the Ars Goetia. Maybe Charlie if she let her guard down."

My eyes widened as I reluctantly followed him.

"If they're so powerful, then why don't they just cleanse everyone?"

He shrugged. "Probably an agreement put in place by Lucifer and God or something."

I sighed and watched him open a door with him magic. It was the library. He moved to one specific book and tapped it five times. A secret hatch opened in the floor as he pointed down there.

"That is probably the safest spot in this hotel. There's a lever if you need to get out, but one of us will come to get you once this Extermination Day is over. There's also some food and water."

I smiled reluctantly and walked down the stairs and into the room. it was dimly lit, with a bed in the corner. He gave me a reassuring smile before leaving and closing the hatch. I waved goodbye and watched it close all the way.

The room was dimly lit by a lamp on a small side-table. I sat on the bed and sighed. After a moment, I heard a loud cracking as the angels descended. I brought my knees close to my face, as if it would keep me any safer.

I frowned. Would everyone in this hotel be safe?

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