Dilemmas (Chapter 5)

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I just sort of lay there, looking at the ceiling. It seemed so quiet now, just the sound of the soft winter storm outside my window. My thoughts and emotions spun around me. I moved my arm slightly, and it hurt at least a little less.

I sat up and looked around. Alastor was still nowhere to be seen. I sighed and walked over to my desk and looked at where the necklace... was. I raised an eyebrow and looked around for my necklace. 

Did Alastor take it?

Did my mom take it?

I looked in every nook where it could have been if no one had taken it, but it was gone. I frowned and bit my tongue. 

"Welp..." I muttered softly, standing up.

"It's not like that took months to save up for. Nope. Not at all." I said sarcastically as if anyone could hear me.

My eyes slowly drifted to a picture on my desk. It had my mom, my dad, and me. We were at the beach, and I was making a sandcastle while my parents sat on either side of me. I smiled and adjusted the picture's frame slightly. I sat up again and paced around my room.

I tried to open my bedroom door and then remembered my mom had locked the door from the opposite end. With my luck, she probably forgot about me. I looked at my window and opened it.

It was always odd how she didn't bolt up my window, but I wasn't going to point it out to her.

I hopped out my window and landed in the cold snow, rolling so I didn't get hurt. I shivered. This was not one of my best ideas. I didn't even bring a coat and it was below 32 F. I crossed my arms and knocked on the door, also ringing the doorbell.

I saw my mom peep through the window blinds. After a minute or two, the door didn't open. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I knocked on the door again.


A bit of time passed, but the door didn't unlock. I shivered, looking at my fingertips. They were numb, but I could see the frostbite. I ran down the sidewalk, hoping to get to town where I could get to a warm building before I froze.

I was such an idiot. My limbs felt numb. The library and jewelry shop were closed, and the rest of the building was almost a mile away. I felt like an idiot

I shivered. Maybe if I ran fast enough I could make it. Maybe I could also generate some more heat. I ran towards the town. I felt like my whole body was numb as I ran. No one paid attention to me.

I was still almost half a mile away from town and I saw some ice on my fingertips. I was paler than normal. It felt harder to move. No one was around. No one was close. I was such an idiot. I just wanted to get inside, and this might have resulted in me freezing to death. I sat down, leaning against a tree. I started to feel warmer, which was not a good sign.


I tried to stand up, but I fell down again. I looked up at the snow falling and closed my eyes. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. It was warm. 


I recognized that voice. Alastor. He was so warm...

I leaned against him and felt a weird sensation in my stomach. Before I knew it, we were back in my room. He put me on my bed, pulling the covers over my body. 

((Author's note: F/T = Favorite tea))

~~~~~~~~Alastor's POV~~~~~~~~

I looked down at her as she snuggled in the covers. Why was she outside when it was so cold!? I summoned a glass of F/T in my hands and took her hand in my free hand. I let her take the handle of the mug as I helped her drink it.

Questions were for later, but right now she needed to warm up. The color was returning to her skin and lips. I sighed out of relief and sat next to her. I never should have left. I'm gone for less than half an hour and she almost dies.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open and she looked at me. I felt my smile turn from forced to a warm and soft one. I put the empty mug on her bedside table and put a hand on her cheek.

~~~~~~~~Y/N POV~~~~~~~~

I looked at Alastor, leaning into his touch. His hand was warm and soft.

"I leave you alone for this long and you almost die..." He said jokingly, but clearly also telling the truth. I sighed.

"I know. I know. I'm an idiot..." I muttered softly. His smile faltered slightly, which was the closest he had come to not smiling. 

"Seriously. Don't do that again."

I nodded and closed my eyes again. I was tired. I felt humiliated. I was 28 and I had to have some "big strong demon" come save me from a snowstorm.

 I should have been smarter. I should have thought this through. I should have done a lot of things, but I was at least thankful I wasn't dead. He was sitting at the foot of my bed, watching me. Well, I wasn't 100% sure. But I could feel his gaze on me.

I felt him stand up and heard him pace around my room. He was probably thinking. I rolled onto my side, facing the wall, and tried to get to sleep. Around five minutes later, I heard my mom walking up the stairs. She probably thought I was dead.

Alastor vanished so as to not get caught. She peeked into my room and spotted me. She clenched her teeth.

"How did you get back inside, Y/N?"

I tensed up. How should I tell her? I couldn't tell her about Alastor or else she would do something to me, Alastor, or the both of us. Probably the last option. I had to think quickly.

"I was able to climb back through the window. However, I must thank you for leaving me to die of hypothermia! I appreciated it a lot, bitch."

I opened my eyes and looked at her. I could see rage surging through her. She grabbed me by my neck.

"You do not talk to your mother like that. Do you understand?"

I tried to pull her hands off my neck, but I was still weak from the experience outside. I nodded as quickly as I could. She chuckled and let go of my neck. I watched her face the door and leave.

My eyes were shaking. I hated her. I hated her. I hated her. I hated her.


I grabbed my hair and felt like I just wanted to pull it out. I refrained from doing that, instead burying my face into a pillow and screaming. I got it all out and rolled back onto my back, tears running down her face. My gaze drifted around the room until I spotted something.

I grinned and looked at the time.

Almost time for her to go to sleep.

I stood up and grabbed it.

I hadn't put that there.

It must have been Alastor.

I sat there and waited.

I could be patient this one time.

One time.

A Hidden Deer (Alastor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now