part II - you'd never believe what happened

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third person pov

Yoona's face lit up as she saw Kyujin walking in the restaurant as she looked around trying to find the brunette. After the 'silly' incident that happened on Friday, Yoona was a bit traumatised from it, so she decided to tell her friends about it.

And by friends, she means Kyujin and Haewon.

" Hey Kyu! " Haewon softly smiled at the maknae, " What took you so long? "

" I was caught in school. " Kyujin nervously chuckled as she sat down in front of Yoona and Haewon, " There was just so much homework given by the teacher today! "

" But today is a Sunday? "

" School as in Eunchae, Haewon. " Yoona said, " I think they caused trouble. Again. "

" What?! How many times do I have to tell you, Kyujin? " Haewon yelled, " Did it involve the cops? "

" Yesss..? But it wasn't bad! "

" Did you ding-dong-ditch your neighbours so much that- "

" No way the police would chase Kyu for that! " Yoona rolled her eyes, " I bet they probably stole things or broke into private property... "

" BINGO! " Kyujin stood up from her seat and clapped her hands enthusiastically causing the whole restaurant to stare at the three of them, " I actually broke into private property and stole some food. "

" You broke into a house?! "

" No, I stole some food from a convenience store and then climbed onto some roofs to eat snacks with Eunchae! " Kyujin sat back down on her chair, " Best breakfast I've ever had. Then I had to run away from cops which made the food digest better! "

" At least that's better than breaking into your stepdad's house and making him think there's a ghost in his house. " Yoona sighed, " You're a bunch of weirdos.. "

" We're not weirdos! It's called a joke. " Kyujin earned a smack from Yoona.

" Now shut up, I'm hungry. "


Haewon gently rubbed her stomach as she sighed. The three of them had just finished their lunch and Kyujin suggested that they should go to the mall and maybe have some fun there.

Even thought they both disagreed, they were manipulated by Kyujin and was forced to go anyways.

During their lunch, Yoona told them all about how scared she was and how Subway girl appeared to protect her. Haewon mentioned how she sounded like a superhero and how cool and brave it must have been as Kyujin agreed with her.

Yoona only laughed at her friend's thoughts as she thought so too.

" I wanna buy some clothes first! " Kyujin shouted as she pointed to the clothing store.

" Didn't we just buy some last week though? " Haewon asked.

" So? I need more clothes. " Kyujin skipped to the clothing store as the other two followed behind her.

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