part III - it's you again

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" Yeah, no shit sherlock.." Yoona responded mindlessly to herself as she stood up and dusted off some dirt on her shirt, " Oh my god, what am I supposed to do now? " She said as she slowly walked to the elevator buttons.

" I'm going to press the emergency button, okay? " Yoona told Subway girl in which she nodded.

She turned back to the elevator buttons and pressed the emergency buttons as ringing sounds began being heard indicating that she's calling the emergency services.

After a few seconds of ringing, finally they were met with an automated message.

' Your call has been received, please wait patiently as we will save you.'

After the message ended, Subway girl leaned on the wall as she grabbed her phone out. Waving it around, trying to get a signal, but it was just impossible to get. Then suddenly, the lights went off and it was completely pitch dark.

" U-Uh, hey?! " The panicked latter screamed, " Are you still here? "

As Subway girl heard Yoona's scared and frightened screams, she quickly tried to navigate herself through the dark elevator and found Yoona on the floor.

There was something inside her that was trying to tell Subway girl to hug the terrified girl, so she knelt down to hug Yoona. Trying to comfort her.

" I-it's okay. " Subway girl muttered softly under her breath. It was so quiet that she wonders if Yoona could even hear it.

It felt weird to hug someone you've just met. But instead of trying to push the other person away, she stayed at that position. Till both of their bodies began to relax as she was no longer tensed up.

" I'm okay, but a-are you okay? " Yoona asked Subway girl who was still hugging the latter like as if she was a blanket.

A quiet 'yeah' was heard after Yoona buried her head into Subway girl's shoulder.

She sat down on the floor with Yoona and continued comforting her by rubbing her back and making comforting comments.

" I-I'm pretty sure the lights are going turn on later. " Subway girl said quietly and released Yoona from the hug and smiled genuinely at her.

Then suddenly, Subway girl had an idea. She grabbed her phone out and turned on the flashlight, she then turned to Yoona to see her reaction.

Yoona looked like she felt safe as she curiously looked at the light. Subway girl made the phone flashlight face up as she began making shadow puppets and tried to cheer Yoona up.

Subway girl made a dog with her hand as she turned to Yoona once again to see her soft and lovely smile. Yoona was confused on what it was at first but eventually she realised.

" It's a dog... " Yoona said, subconsciously smiling.

Yoona chuckled at the younger as she looked at the shadow puppets. She felt the awkwardness towards Subway girl slowly fade away as she saw the other side of her.

" Are you feeling okay now? " The girl quietly questioned, still shy.

" Yeah, " Yoona and Subway girl turned to each other at the same time as they both smiled, " Thanks... Subway girl. "

Yoona couldn't stop looking at Subway Girl, it was like they were glued together.

But then the lights unexpectedly turned back on, both of them realised how close they were. The two flustered girls quickly leaned back a bit as Yoona cleared her voice before talking again.

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