part VII - panicked

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Sweat started to drip from Yunjin forehead as she looked everywhere to try to find her headphones.

There's no way that she can lose her headphones. That would mean she had lost her only physical memory of her mom. And there is no way Yunjin was going to recover from that afterwards.

" M-My headphones... " Yunjin muttered worriedly, then a thought popped into her head, " I must've left them at the math classroom. "

Yunjin rushed into the math classroom, hoping to find her headphones. But as she stepped into the classroom, she saw someone she hated seeing.

" Wonyoung? " Yunjin eyebrows furrowed as she hissed at her.

Her blood boiled as she saw what Wonyoung was holding.

" So you've finally realised you lost your headphones? " Wonyoung held Yunjin headphones and swinging them around as if she was about to drop it.

She was sitting on top of a table with her legs crossed, looking at Yunjin with a slight smirk.

" What are you doing to my headphones?! " Yunjin shouted, " Give them back! "

" Why? " Wonyoung teased, " Are these important to you? "

" Of course, you idiot! "

Wonyoung's expression turned evil. Her smirk turned into anger as she threw Yunjin headphones on the floor.

Yunjin looked at the smashed headphones on the floor with disbelief. She was trying her hardest not to cry and the tears just ended up being stuck on the tip of her eyes.

Her eyes were shaking as she trembled in anger and sadness. Yunjin clenched her fist, she wanted to punch Wonyoung so hard on the face. Imagining her face full of blood with her body was on the floor, it made her want to attack Wonyoung even more.

" Why did you do that?! Why?! "

" Why? " Wonyoung said, " Because of what you did to my- "

" It's just a dumb bag. So what if it's damaged? I apologised already! "

" -life. Because of what you've done to my life. "

" Oh, " Yunjin said, trying to keep her frustration away, " Oh! So you think you're the only one who's got their life crushed into a million pieces?! "

" I have been so sad and distraught after your stupid dad cheated on my mom! "

" Your mom cheated with my dad.. No one's, at fault here. So why are you blaming me?! " Yunjin shouted unexpectedly. They both stood in silence as they stared at each other. " Your dad is a fucking billionaire. You basically did not care about your dad getting heartbroken at all. Because you're a heartless soul. A heartless piece of shit.. You only cared about your 'daddy's' fucking money, right?! Just how horrible are you..?! "

" Yunjin, you- "

The enraged girl couldn't hold her anger back anymore. She launched herself on to Wonyoung, making the table she was sitting on fall backwards. Yunjin didn't hold back at all. She started hitting her greatest enemy like there was no consequence, like there was no tomorrow. 

" I fucking hate you so much.. " Yunjin cried out, punching Wonyoung even more, " You have no idea how much worse you make my life! "

She let everything out. Taking all the anger she had tried to suppress all her life. The frustration when she found out her biological father cheated on her mom. The anger of when her stepdad abused her, as she felt hopeless. And the irritation of all the times Wonyoung annoyed her.

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