part XII - stalker

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knock, knock

" Why are you knocking on your own door? " Yunjin asked as Yoona's keys clanged around, unlocking the door to the older's house.

" My parents are back from their business trip, it's polite to knock. " Yoona stepped inside her house before she silently greeted her parents, " Come on in, Yunjin. "

" O-Okay. " The younger girl was intimidated by Yoona's parents. Especially her father.

Yunjin seemed like she recognised Yoona's dad from somewhere before. But she can't but her finger on it.

" Hello, nice to meet you Mrs. Seol and M-Mr. Seol... " Yunjin was nervous and she didn't even bother hiding it.

" Hey, calm down! " Yoona's mother said in a cheerful voice, " We're not that intimidating, right? Anyways, just call me Minseob and call him Jeongsu. If he wants to, obviously. " She looked at her husband who was staring at Yunjin with an awful looking look.

" Honey, what's wrong? " Minseob ( Yoona's mother ) asked before Jeongsu ( Yoona's father ) whispered something to her.

" Guys- Don't be mean... " Yoona ran up to her parents, " What's wrong..? "

Minseob whispered something back to her husband as he continued to look at Yunjin suspiciously before giving her a quick nod and walked away to her room.

" Dad? " Yoona worriedly tried to call her dad as she watched him walking away, " Mom, did something happen at work again? "

Minseob stood there, wondering whether or not she should tell Yoona.

" Why aren't you answering me? " Yoona looked at her mother confusingly, " Mom, what's happening? "

" Just keep her around, we need her. " Yunjin could somewhat pick up what Minseob said before she left, following the same path that Jeongsu took.

" What's wrong, Yoona? " She slowly approached Yoona, scared of what could happen next.

" I'm so sorry, Yunjin. " Yoona apologised, " They're not usually like this. "

" B-But, what happened? "

" I-I don't know... " Yoona's head dropped down, feeling guilty.

" It's fine. " It's not. What kind of huge secret do they have about Yunjin? " I-I'll just... sit. "

The younger then sat on the floor after realising there is nothing to do.

" Hey, stand up. You can go take a shower first, just borrow my clothes. " Yoona said.

" Oh- Okay, thanks... "


Yunjin sat on the floor in Yoona's bedroom after finishing blow drying her hair, unsure if she's allowed to sit on Yoona's bed. She'd just finished taking a shower and now she's waiting for Yoona to come back from wherever she went to.

She looked at the carpet on Yoona's bedroom floor, looking bored.


Yunjin looked up, letting her eyes wander around the room as she saw an orange cat staring at her as it slowly walked around Yunjin.

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