part XXI - disaster

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yoona's pov

" I-I'll need to call you back. " I hung up the phone, putting it back in my pocket with my shaking hands.

The white van was driving away as I desperately tried to run after it on the road. The van slowly picked up the speed until I couldn't chase it anymore and tripped on the road. My knee was scraped badly and bleeding quite a bit but does it look like I had the time to care about it? My love- My gullible Yunjinnie just got kidnapped by a stranger!

The first thing I thought of was calling my parents. My parents literally work with the police so they definitely could do something about it- I think?! I can't think straight, worrying about Yunjin was the only thing going on in my mind.

As I was waiting for my parents to pick up the phone, my eyes were trying to follow the white van as it eventually drove into a forest near my small city I lived in. My foot was tapping rapidly, trying to keep the panic inside. I just couldn't believe Yunjin wandered off like a little child and ended up getting kidnapped.

Was it all my fault? Should I have brought Yunjin inside the convenience store? It's totally my fault. Yunjin's just childish and a bit troublesome, I should have known- And take care of her better!

" Yoona honey? What's up? "

" M-mom, I'm so scared- AND worried. Y-Yunjin just got l-like kidnapped b-by " I paused trying to calm down in this situation where there's obviously no way to calm down, " B-by I don't know who! They're heading to t-the forest- "

" Sweety, calm down. It's going to be alright, okay? " My mom said, " I'll call as much help as I can for your girlfriend, Yoona. " At this point tears are welling up in my eyes, begging to fall. She can't help me, I know she's lying. It's not going to be okay. " Come back home and rest, dad and I will do the rest. "

The call ended with tears finally falling out of my eyes. God, I'm so frustrated! How can I let this happen?! I hate everything. If I didn't meet Yunjin, t-this wouldn't have happened.. I should just leave her and let my parents to the rest. What am I saying? I love Yunjin too much to just let her die. I can't believe I had this thought in the first place.

You know what? If Yunjin was going to get killed, I'm going to be with her as we both get killed. I ran to the forest with full speed, using all my energy to catch up to the white van.


yunjin's pov

My droopy eyes started to open as my vision was restored again. I had a slight headache but whatever. It was deafening silence, I could only hear the sound of the wind. My eyes scanned at my surroundings, I was on the floor, inside a wooden hut thingy... Or maybe a house but who cares? The wooden planks on the floor was rotting.

And it smells.

I tried to get up but I found myself stuck. A tight rope was wrapped around my wrists and my legs, making it almost impossible to escape. Not only that, there was also a tape stuck on to my mouth.

How did I get here?

The last thing I saw was a butterfly just flying around. It was pretty so don't judge me for chasing it. Then I remembered getting yanked somewhere, but it all happened so fast I think I just fainted?

But if I woke up here- does it mean I died?! Is this hell?

I guess I kinda deserve to be in hell, but this isn't what I was expecting. If I did die and I'm in hell, do I still have my headphones and that Japanese triangle rice ball Yoona bought me? And surprisingly, my headphones were still on my neck and the origami- I mean origini was beside me.

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