part XVI - kyujin, you okay?

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kyujin's pov:

" Oof- I'm fucking hungry. " Yunjin groaned, rubbing her stomach.

" It's not my fault you kept REFUSING TO EAT BREAKFAST. " Yoona shouted.

Walking around the mall without any plans to go anywhere, everyone was all starting to feel hungry after 2 hours of shopping and doing activities in the mall.

" I'm hungry too honestly... " Haewon said, " Wait, shhhh-! " She stopped in front of everyone, making all of them stopping in the middle of the mall.


" Did you hear it? " Haewon asked, " It was my stomach. "

" Okay, we're eating I guess. " Lily shrugged, chuckling at the same time.

Haewon enthusiastically led the group as she hopped in front of the group to a restaurant. The rest followed her with excitement as I slowly started to get left behind.

Everything went and felt wrong after getting confronted by that stranger. I mean, if it happened to you, you would react the same way too, right..? I didn't feel like talking anymore. I found myself not bickering with Jiwoo anymore, I found myself being a less joyful, I found myself isolating myself?

I realized I just stopped talking to anyone in general.

I didn't even say a single word today.

And the fact no one else saw this, it made me feel a lot more lonely. Everyone had their own person to rely on.

Lily and Haewon, Yoona and Yunjin, Jinsol and Jiwoo. Then there's me.

It's not their fault.

I'm usually fine being independent by myself, but now. What's wrong with me?

Should I talk to someone else about it..? Or should I just keep it to myself?

I really feel like if I just keep it to myself, my mental health will explode eventually. I won't be able to handle it, and who knows what that man will do in the future? Torture me? Harm me? Murder me?!

But what if they say that it's not important and say I'm overreacting? What if they just ignore me?

" Hey Kyujin! "

I snap out of my trance as I look up to see the rest far away from me already.

" Watcha doin' there? C'mon, you're so slow. " Jinsol said, smiling gently.

I ran to them, catching up as they continued to walk.

I couldn't get my mind off the incident, the more I tried to ignore it, it more it comes knocking at my brain. I should definitely talk to someone about this, I need to let this go somehow. But not to my friends, I don't think they'll care at all.

Eunchae... I don't know about her. She's my closest friend of all, but she has other friends. Sakura unnie, Chaewon unnie, the better people. I'm starting to feel as if she doesn't see me as her bestfriend at all.

Just another friend.

Right, what's happening to me?

I think I'm thinking too deep. I need that same filter I had before all of this inside my brain. The filter that prevents me from thinking too deep. The one that makes me that same happy kitty cat again.

" Ah- " I squeaked, looking up from the ground and realized I bumped into Jiwoo, " Sorry, Ji. "

" Guys- Guys!! " Haewon exclaimed, " This is it!! Oh my god, I love this place so so much! "

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