part XIV - threatened

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" Eunchae, I fucking swear. " Kyujin clenched her jaw, " For the last time this isn't a phase, I am and will forever be terrified of climbing now! "

" I know you almost died, but it's not that scary right? "

" BRO- Are you stupid?! I could have died and that's scary enough for me! I'm not some kind of death enthusiast who likes the feeling of almost dying! " Kyujin shouted, " I don't get how you're not convinced in letting me quitting our climbing activities. "

" Okay fine. Maybe you aren't a death enthusiast, but I am! You have to respect my perspective of death. "

" Weirdo. "

Kyujin sat down on a bench that was on the school's grass field before Eunchae followed her and sat down right beside her.

" I'm still a bit confused on how someone like Yoona saved you from such an exciting experience! " Eunchae said before getting a side-eye from Kyujin, " I mean horrifying, but you get my point. Like how can someone who just woke up and save someone from that?! "

" There is no reason, she's Yoona and Yoona does those stuff. " Kyujin shrugged.

" Besides the fact that you told me how scared you were, you don't even act like you're scared for life. " Eunchae said, " Aren't you supposed to tremble in fear once in a while and go to therapy because of that experience? Or was all my research wrong? "

" Who said I'm not in therapy? And besides, I'm not even in fear anymore. Why would I tremble? "

Eunchae sighed, " Look, I'mma head to the bathroom, kay? Stay here. "

" Alright fine. "

Eunchae stood up from the bench and walked away to the bathroom as Kyujin was left alone on the wooden bench as the wind softly blew.

She then felt a sudden chuck as she realised that she was being dragged to somewhere by someone that she couldn't see. Kyujin was being dragged away as a mysterious man in full back held her in a headlock and covered her mouth.

The man in black finally stopped moving as Kyujin was dragged in a dark corner where it's hard to see where she is. She squirmed around in the man's arms, struggling to break free.

" Shut the fuck up, kid. " He demanded, " You. "

Kyujin was then threw to the ground by the man, making her hit her back beside the rocky wall.

She groaned in pain before looking back at the man.

He had light brown eyes and was really tall. She took another look to see some black hair sticking out of his hood he was wearing.

" I-I, who are you?! " Kyujin shouted as her voice shook due to the fear.

" I only need to know one thing and one thing only, kid. " He said, " What class is Choi Yunjin? "

" P-Please just let me go! " Kyujin pleaded, she completely ignored his question.

" Shut up and answer my question! "

" W-Who even are you to Yunjin?! "

" I said shut up! " The man kicked Kyujin's stomach with his blocky shoes.

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