part V - don't run away

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third person pov:

Haewon grabbed her phone out and aggressively tapped it a few times before showing the phone screen to everyone.

" With Kyu's help, we've found Yunjin's INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT! " Haewon yelled, " With the help of the insta account, I think we can use this and find even more info! "

" You idiots... " Yoona sighed as she rubbed her forehead, " Why are you so interested about her? She's just a normal human being. "

" Normal human being? " Jiwoo chuckled, " Why would you kiss her then? "

" Yoona kissed her?! " Jinsol shouted in shocked.

" No I did not! " Yoona said, " What did you tell them?! " Yoona angrily turned to Haewon and Kyujin with a scary gaze.

" Okay, maybe what I said was fake news but it was something similar to that! " Haewon confessed, " Don't kill me, okay? "

" Although Yoona unnie didn't kiss her, we all know they're perfect for each other. " Kyujin said as she received a hard smack from Haewon.

" Stop adding on to it! " Haewon whispered.

" Shut up! Just shut up! " Yoona shouted, she paused for a moment. Yoona had placed her fingers on her forehead and closing her eyes as she sighed again, "So what if I almost kissed her? I'm tired of you idiots talking about her! "

The angered brunette stood up abruptly, making her seat slide back and stormed out of the cafeteria.

" And what did I say about this stupid idea? " Lily sighed, " That's right. I said it was a TERRIBLE idea! "

" She's pissed pissed. " Kyujin said as she was still watching Yoona walk away, " She doesn't usually shout like that. Actually, she doesn't even shout normally! "

All of them reflected back on what happened and figured that it's better not to stalk Yunjin—

" So we're not stalking Yunjin anymore..? "

—except for Jinsol.

" We're not. "


Yoona took a deep breath as she looked into the bathroom mirror. She had just finished washing her face as she turned on the tap as she washed her hands until she heard a door open beside her. The curious latter looked beside her to see,

Subway girl?

" Hey you! " Yoona tried to point towards Yunjin, but ended up splashing her with water, " Oh shit— Sorry! "

The shocked latter ran out of the bathroom as fast as she could, even thought Yoona didn't know why Yunjin keeps running away from her, she followed the run away girl to find out why.

" Hey! I'm sorry! " Yunjin ran across the hallway as Yoona was following her behind, " Come back! Why are you even running? "

The older's shouts were getting the student's attention as they all looked at the both of them. And in the mist of all the students, the other 5 girls were there too. Looking at the two girls chasing each other.

" Hey, isn't that Yoona? " Jiwoo questioned, " Oh my god- It is! "

" And that's Yunjin! " Haewon pointed at the two running, " We should follow them! "

" No. " Lily glared at Haewon, " We've talked about this earlier, if Yoona doesn't want us stalking Yunjin, then we shouldn't. Why are we even stalking other people anyways? "

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