part XIII - paranoid

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" Oh- Haewon... " Lily moaned as she leaned closer to Haewon's face. She had her arm leaning on Haewon's shoulder, looking at her up and down. " You are the most precious person I've ever met. " Her finger slowly slid down Haewon's cheeks as she finished caressing them.

Haewon could feel Lily's breath, god. Just how much she wanted to kiss her. Her eyes were distracted by Lily's soft and sweet lips, she could only think of the sweetness of kissing her lips, and moving down to her neck.

" Kiss me. " Lily smirked, " C'mon. I know you want to. "

Haewon chuckled quietly, getting herself ready.

She leaned even closer to Lily, their noses were touching. And just before their lips touched-

" NO. " Kyujin burst open the bathroom door, making a loud noise, " NUH UH. "

" What the fuck, Kyujin?! " Haewon flinched as she shrieked, " Let us have our moment?! "

" You're fucking in school. And it's 7 in the morning, too early! "

" What are you even doing in here? " Lily questioned, a bit angry.

" I saw you bitches sneakily walking into the bathroom. " Kyujin crossed her arms, " And my guts did not lie. "

" Okay, you caught us. But I fucking swear, it's not your fault that you're single. Single Pringles like you won't be able to feel the same way as couples do. "

Kyujin's jaw dropped, " Bro- Shut the fuck up. Being single is fun shit. Y-You can do whatever you want! "

" I disagree. " Haewon said, " Everyone in this school will disagree with your stupid statement and there's no possible way you can even convince one of them to change their mind. And besides, who says that you can't do whatever you want when you're dating? "

" I- um, I- I can convince Lily right now! " Kyujin confidently said, " BOOM- Get roasted pookie. I'mma leave now- "

" Oh yeah? Prove it. "

" Prove?! "

" Yeah, if you're so confident. "

" Um okay... Uh, if you're in a relationship, you can get into fights... then you'll break up. Break ups can uh... lead to depression and then you'll kill yourself! " Kyujin grinned at herself. She was for some reason so confident that she'll be able to convince Lily, " Yeah! "

" That isn't how relationship works, Kyujin. " Lily said, " If you get into a healthy relationship like us, none of those would happen... "

" But- It's so hard to find a healthy relationship nowadays. It's a risk by dating! You can accidentally get into a bad relationship and y'know- "

" You can still break up, Kyujin. You're not trapped in that relationship. " Lily explained.

Kyujin's eyes were twitching in anger, " What? Angry? " Haewon teased.

" I'm leaving... " Kyujin walked outside with her arms crossed angrily.

" HA! LOSER- OW! " Haewon screamed, " STOP SLAPPING ME! "

" Be kind to Kyujin you idiot! I don't want her learning bad things from you. "


Yoona and Yunjin just got off the subway and was making their way to school.

But Yoona noticed something off about the latter.

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