part XXIII - 😱

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a/n: this chapter is so shocking that the chapter name is an emoji
( i would like to apologise for how shitty the last chapter was )

third person pov:

" Not so fast, Jeongsu. " A man voiced out, a tone that Yunjin was familiar with but also despised. And before she could turn her head, Yooshik was standing in front of them. Yunjin saw Yooshik, his stepfather holding Kyujin hostage with a gun. " Don't worry, the police are coming. " Jeongsu whispered.

" One move from you and she's dead. Just hand Yunjin over and she won't get hurt. " Yooshik explained, " It's simple. " Breathing heavily, everyone froze. Not wanting a dead body flop down on the floor right in front of their eyes.

In the mist of being held captive by Yooshik, Kyujin was trying desperately not to move an inch despite shaking uncontrollably. Tears were gently streaming down her face with their lips slightly trembling. She was terrified as Yooshik held her neck tightly with one hand and a gun pointing right at her with the other. It was a matter of life or death and she was giving all her hope to the four others.

" Yooshik... I know it has been years, but I still- " Jeongsu's eyebrows furrowed, trying to calm Yooshik down. " I-I know you're in a lot debt and I know your plan but you can't do this. This isn't something you can or should do! This is too absurd! Don't you remember Yoona? Y-You wouldn't want to make her sad by killing either of her two best friends, right? "

" You don't understand the position I'm in. You don't know how it feels. You've never been in my shoes. Choi Yunjin is useless, she's dumb and stupid. What is she going to do in the future? What is she going to do to help me?! You have a smart daughter that's probably going to buy you a mansion when you're old and I only have this stupid, bratty stepdaughter that's going to leave me homeless! " Everyone could silently gasp in shock as Yunjin's heart shattered in pieces.

She had had nothing to say. Words just flew into Yunjin's ear, changing the perspective she had of herself. Despite acknowledging her stepdad's huge hatred towards her, Yunjin just couldn't hold it together when it was all spat right at her face.

" What's wrong with you?! " Yoona shouted in rage, her glare at Yooshik was filled with blaze and fiery. " Even if she isn't actually related to you, she's still apart of your family! If your dad talked to you like that, wouldn't you feel hurt? Wouldn't you feel your heart sink? " The madman's face turned even darker, " I bet your dad left you alone and ignored you in your childhood. Is that why you're like this? Is that why you're such a psychopath?! "

" Shut up, shut up, shut up! Stop it! " Yooshik yelled. He tightened his grip onto Kyujin, stomping the floor in anger as Kyujin squeak in pain and held onto Yooshik's arm. Begging him to let go. " Stop it, okay?! I don't want to hear anyone's nonsense, okay?! Because I doubt any of you were in the same boat as me. " He hissed back.

" You- "

" Yoona, d-don't argue back... " Minseob stopped Yoona from arguing with Yooshik.

" Fine. " She huffed.

" Hey, chief? Can you hear me? "

It was form Jeongsu's walkie-talkie. Jeongsu wanted to pick it up and respond to his team so badly, but he knew he couldn't. Or else he'll die. His eyes turned to Yooshik whose gun was now pointing directly at him. " Put it down on the floor and put your hands up now. " Yooshik threatened, " Or Yunjin won't be the only one's funeral your family will be attending. "

" Okay... I'll put it down. " Jeongsu said, grabbing his walkie-talkie from his back pocket and placing it gently on the floor.

" Chief, where are you? " The walkie-talkie continued to make noise which irritated Yooshik. " If anyone tries to speak a word, you are going to be dead as well. " Jeongsu gulped, it seemed like there was no way out of this than to just give up Yunjin.

" Scared, Jeongsu? " Yooshik saw him gulping, teasing him. " Give me Yunjin and it'll all be over. Simple. "

" Simple? That's what you call 'simple'? " Yoona furiously said, " In order for me to not get injured or get killed, I have to give up my girlfriend? That's seriously what you call 'simple'?! You bitch- "

" WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?! " Yooshik screeched, swinging his gun at Yoona's head, " YOU WANNA SAY THAT AGAIN?! "

" Police! Freeze! " Everyone turned their heads behind Yooshik to see a group of policemen pointing their guns directly at Yooshik. " Freeze and put your hand up! " Yooshik's eyes widen, " Shit. " He cursed under his breath.

Yoona took this as an opportunity to pounce at Yooshik. The argument she had with him made her extremely furious and couldn't contain her anger and rage anymore. She ran up to Yooshik, ready to jump up at him, when she felt a hand pushing her out of the way before hearing a loud bang.

Yoona shut her eyes, as she landed on the floor. Her arms were bruised and scratched from falling on the rocky floor. She groaned in pain for a bit before realising her injuries would be the least of her concerns right now when she heard screaming behind her. Yoona quickly turned around to see Yunjin lying on the floor with a puddle of blood surrounding her.

Yoona's heart sank. Her breaths quickly became heavier, her eyes watering uncontrollably, and a huge wave of worry washing over her. It couldn't be, right? A thousand 'what if' scenarios played in her head, making her even more worried and scared. She slowly walked over to Yunjin to see the source of the blood puddle below Yunjin. Her chest. Yooshik shot her chest.

"She's definitely going to die now. She's not going to make it. She's going to be gone." Yoona thought, the anxious voice inside her slowly taking over her head. She was looking at Yunjin's face with her eyebrows furrowed and tear drops falling as Yunjin struggle to open her eyes. " Y-Yunjin... " Yoona caressed Yunjin's face, " D-Don't die, please... "

" Yoona-ah. " Yunjin said, trying to smile while talking, " Don't cry. You know I won't die, baby. " Seeing Yoona crying also made Yunjin uncontrollably tear up, " I-It's never a goodbye, Yoona. It's going to be a see you later. " Yunjin took one last breath, " It always will be. " Before shutting her eyes with her final tears dropping from her eyes.

" Y-Yunjin, no... " Yoona's lips trembled, a waterfall falling out of her eyes. Then she felt a hand behind her.

" Yoona unnie, " Kyujin softly said, patting Yoona's back, " It's going to be okay. Trust me. " Yoona couldn't help but wrap Kyujin in a tight hug. The younger girl could feel Yoona about to burst in sadness as she was trembling. " Unnie, it's okay... You can cry. " As soon as Kyujin said that, Yoona loudly sobbed onto Kyujin's shoulder as she slowly moved her hand up and down on Yoona's back, trying to comfort her.

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