part XIX - not in the mood

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" Yunjin, it's time to wake up. " Yoona called for the nth time already, leaning on the side of the wall lazily, " I've woken up for the past hour already- I'm literally ready to just head outside for school. Just wake up?! " She groaned, tired of Yunjin staying in bed.

" I don wanna goo to sccchool. " The younger latter muttered lazily, yawning out the words. She put her arms up, covering her eyes to block the light coming out of the window.

" You slept really early last night though. "

" I-I couldn't sleep. " Yunjin admitted, " Can we just call this a sick day? I don't feel good. " She groaned, rolling around the bed childishly.

Yoona sighed, " Do you actually feel sick or do you just not want to go to school? " She asked before crossing her arms in annoyance, " Cause it's obvious that you just don't want to go to school, y'know. "

" But it's true! " Yunjin sat up from the bed instantly as she whined, " I couldn't get sleep last night because my stepdad is a murderer? Who's specifically targeting me?! I'm scared. I don't wanna go outside. "

" You'll be beside me the whole time, what do you have to worry about? " Yoona argued. She stared at Yunjin, waiting for her answer. " Yeah that's right. There is nothing to worry about. "

The younger latter grunted, putting both of her hands on her head as she threw a 'tantrum'. " I don't wanna go to school- I don't wanna go to school- I don't wanna go to school- "

" Shut up. " Yoona simply said, stopping Yunjin from repeating the sentence over and over again until they both go insane. " I also don't wanna go to school, okay? But you just have to deal with it. "

" Your situation is not the same as mines, " Yunjin stated, pointing at Yoona. " YOU don't wanna go to school because it's boring, hard, and annoying. I don't wanna go to school because I'm scared my stepdad is going to pop out any moment. "

The older latter sighed, knowing there's no way she's going to convince Yunjin in going to school.

" What? You give up?! "

" You know what? Yes I do. " Yoona plopped her school bag on the floor, " Go back to sleep. "

" So w-we're not going to school?! "

" Yeah. " Yoona said, " That's what you want, right? " Giving a quick glance at Yunjin, the younger latter felt her heart skip a beat.

" You're really doing all of this for me?! W-What about the math test today? A-Are you just going to miss it?! " Yunjin stammered over her words, confused about Yoona skipping school just for her.

The brunette shined a quick smile, " If it's what you want then we can do it. " Yoona began walking out of the room as Yunjin looked at her in disbelief.

" But y-your test?! But aren't you that person who gets chosen as an academically gifted student in those 'Which student will your friend choose you as?' videos? "

Yoona paused for a second. She turned around, looking back at Yunjin. " How do you know..? "

" I was scrolling through the group chat when I couldn't sleep. "

" WHAT. "

" What? "

" BITCH- THERE ARE SO MANY SECRETS IN THERE?! " Rushing to Yunjin, the brunette held the younger latter's shoulders tightly. " What secrets do you know?! "

" I honestly thought you were a virgin. " Yunjin slowly said, " I didn't know you had fucked with your boyfriend. The first one. But oh well, too bad he cheated on you on the next day... "

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