part IV - stalking

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third person pov

" No way... " Yoona's eyes followed Subway Girl, " What's she doing so late right now? "

The curious latter grabbed her phone and quickly snapped a picture before continuing to spy on the girl.

But it finally clicked.

The bouquet of flowers, Yoona thought back the time before the elevator incident. She remembered the bouquet of flowers Subway Girl was holding while they were waiting for the elevator. But what were the flowers for? As soon as she walked out of Yoona's sight lines, she started to think more. Hoping to find out more about the mysterious girl.

ring! ring!

She flinched at the sudden sound as her cat, Crunch, who was trying to sleep peacefully on her bed, also did too. Yoona's phone rung as the name 'that annoying puppy' popped up on her screen. Jiwoo was calling her at... 02:48am? Why?

She pressed the green button as she put her phone next to her ear.

" Jiwoo? What's up? "

" I am insanely cold right now unnie. "

" What? Are you alright? Why are you calling me now? Why did you call me? Why are you still awake at this time? Where are you?? "

" I could ask you the same questions. Why are you awake at this time? "

" Uhmm... "

" Forget it, I'm outside your front door. You didn't tell me the doorbell wasn't working?! "

" Not my fault you came at three in the morning! "

" Open the door, I think I'm actually going to freeze to death.. "

" Okay! I'm coming. "

Yoona end the call as she quickly dashed downstairs to open the door for Jiwoo. And the cold girl wasn't kidding when she said she was shaking and was about to freeze to death. " Oh gosh- Jiwoo.. " Yoona grabbed her hand, " Your hands are so cold! " and brought her in her house.

Jiwoo sat down comfortably on Yoona's couch as she went to go grab a blanket for the shaking girl.

" What happened? Why are you so cold? " Yoona asked worriedly as she gave her a blanket.

" I told my mom I was going to be home by 10 but it's 3 am now! " Jiwoo said, " I don't wanna get scolded at this hour, so I thought of the safest thing to do. And... I just stood in front of your house for about 30 minutes, waiting for you. "

" Oh my god- You idiot. " Yoona sighed, " You could have caught a cold, y'know. You're lucky my parents are at a business trip. Or else they would of have thought I told you to come to my house. "

" I know.. But the real reason why I came here is because I wanna know who Subway girl is! " Jiwoo quickly bounced up and sat up straight. Yoona's eye twitched in annoyance, " Haewon unnie told me how you almost kissed her and all those stuff! "

" When??? Is there a group chat where I'm not in?! "

" Possibly, but don't change the subject. " Jiwoo demanded, " Tell me! "

" Didn't Kyujin tell you that Subway girl is Yunjin? The one that supposedly had some kind of fight with Wonyoung? "

" WHAT?! ARE YOU FOR REAL? " Jiwoo screamed, " Following that drama is like watching a movie but with a really bad storyline. "

" Shhh.. It's 3 am, you don't have you yell. And besides, Crunch is sleeping. "

" Who's Crunch? "

" My cat? Who else? " Yoona rolled her eyes, " And how long are you going to stay here? We have school tomorrow. "

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