part X - police

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[ this chapter is to stupidly silly 😭 ]

ding dong!

" Huh? " Yoona questioned, " Did you order something else, Haewon? "

" No..? " Haewon turned her head to the door, " Do you want me to go get it? "

" Sure. "

Haewon stood up from her seat as she slowly walked to the door.

She peaked in the peak hole to see a man dressed in blue. There were policemen.

" Policemen...? " Haewon turned her head to the others, " Kyujin? Is it- "

" Oh my god— Fuck, it is! " Kyujin jumped out of her seat as she scrambled to find a hiding spot.

She was starting to regret having breakfast with Eunchae on the roof, now she's constantly on the run like a real criminal.

ding dong!

" Excuse me? " The policemen said from outside, " Is there anyone in here? " He knocked even louder on the door.

" S-Should I open it? " Haewon asked everyone, " Look, I don't want to deal with the police. Lily can talk to them. "

" What?! "

Haewon opened the door to try to avoid anymore suspicion being created.

By the time she opened the door, the policemen greeted Haewon as Kyujin was already running into Lily's bedroom where Jinsol was in.

" Ooo! It's on! " Jinsol played with the karaoke machine, " Damn, this one has headphones connected to it already?! Lemme test this shit out! "

She put on the headphones as she picked a song.

" Stray Kids... Stayc... TXT? Nah. It's kind of a TWICE vibe right now. " Jinsol searched up Twice on the karaoke machine as a ton of songs popped out, " Niceee! TT? Feel special..? Ooo! Likey! " She squealed.

Jinsol clicked on the song as it played in her headphones.

Just then, Kyujin was running behind her. Jinsol didn't acknowledge Kyujin rushing outside the window at all, the headphones were blocking all the sounds.

" Jinsol unnie! " Kyujin tried to get her attention.

She had half of her body outside of the window already, she just needs to get the door to close to lower the chances of being caught. But she can't go back and close it herself, it's too risky.

" JINSOL. UNNIE. " Kyujin yelled even louder, but Jinsol was already too mesmerised in the music.


" AISH THAT BITCH! " Kyujin couldn't care about Jinsol anymore, she just continued to climbed out of the window, on her way to the rooftop.

Outside of Lily's apartment, there were pipes and Kyujin would find that amazing since she's not Spider-Man. She can't climb walls like him. Kyujin's only an expert climber.

And there she was. On the ground, you would see a small little dot on the side of the apartment, looking as if it's holding on for dear life. And guess what? It is.

Lily's apartment wasn't built at the very top, it was more of in the middle. And Kyujin was hanging on to the pipe on the side that looks like it was about to fall off, thinking about if it's worth all the energy to climb all the way to the roof top.

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