part VIII - an escape

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It has been days since Yunjin was trapped in her stepdad's house. She'd lost count of how many days it has been since her stepdad decided to take her phone away just a day after being locked up.

Yunjin was so mad at herself for not using her phone wisely and to call someone. The moment she was tossed into her room, she just passed out on the bed and completely forgot about her phone.

But that isn't the main problem, Yunjin was starving but most importantly injured as well. This was probably one of the worse ways she would die.

Everytime she saw her stepdad, he would look more and more messed up. He would sometimes get angry at invisible objects, yell at the wall or get mad at people who was just walking past his house.

She was covered with bruises all around her body. On one day, past bruises on her body would start to fade away. But on the next day, the bruises and injuries would come back like a boomerang.

Today, Yunjin woke up with a gasp with a head splitting headache and shot up from her bed.

She couldn't remember a single thing from before she passed out, but the last thing she saw was her stepdad then everything was blurry and black. The thoughts gave Yunjin and even worser headache.

She looked at her clock,


What was she doing awake at such a late time like this?

Yunjin was about to get out of bed but she noticed a really bad scar on her leg. From what she observed, it looked fresh and it wasn't one of those accidents where she accidentally hurt herself.

But then, she remembered.


Yunjin could hear the loud noises of her stepdad's footsteps getting louder and louder from her bed. She was planning to take a nap after bawling her eyes out again and again.

Yunjin didn't bother to open her eyes to see what as going on, she didn't care as long as it didn't involve her. It was probably her stepdad opening his beer bottles really aggressively again. Whatever.


The lock from the door outside was unlocked from what Yunjin heard, she turned to her door and open her eyes slightly to see her stepdad.

He was walking closer and closer to Yunjin while holding something on his hand.

Yunjin heard his stepdad yell something but she couldn't hear it clearly. She didn't open her eyes fully and couldn't see what it was, everything was so blurry.

Then Yunjin felt a sharp and stinging pain on her leg somewhere as she felt some sort of liquid flowing, but before she could react to the pain, she felt a push on her head and then it was all black.

She passed out.


Her head hurts like shit, she couldn't think properly now. It's like someone hit her on her head... Then she heard it,

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