part XVII - i don't believe you + 🎂3

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there's something really important I need to tell you

who tf r u
how do u know that name

It's Jang Wonyoung?
Did you not save my number?

after all the mean things you've done?
hell nah
what do you want bitch

Calm down Jinni
This is like
Extremely serious

wtf u want bitch?
get to the point ???

Your stepdad is becoming a problem

Ik he's a problem but does it look like i care?
what do u even wanna do with him

Yooshik's plan is to murder u

how many times did I tell u
don't fucking call me jinni

sorry Yunjin

and wtf do u mean by Yooshik wants to kill me?

Believe me Yunjin
I'm just as shocked as you are about Yooshik okay?
But he's really a murderer, he's coming after you

stop trolling
I'm going to sleep

Just be careful okay?
I'm sorry for what I've done to you


yunjin's pov

I turned off my phone, trying to ignore the last message Wonyoung sent to me.

Thinking about it, Wonyoung was sorry? As if. She's never sorry. Every single time she says sorry was always going to be a fucking 'joke' or a 'hahaha, just kidding! You thought?!'. She's always going to say that. She's never sorry...

But this time, Wonyoung sounds genuine. A bit too genuine that it's suspicious. But what if she really was sorry? I feel a bit bad actually. I should probably forget about it. And besides, my stepdad being a murderer and is right now specifically targeting me? That's such a horrible prank.

" Jinni? " God- She startled me. I look up to see Yoona with a smile, " That's your name? "

" And I don't like being called that. " I huffed. Crossing my arms as the train slightly shook.

" Why? Is there a reason? " Yoona was doing one of those smirking faces and I don't like it. Not even if it makes her look a bit attractive.

" What's your motive and why were you reading my phone? "

" Calm down- I'm nosy too. "

" Jinni was a nickname Wonyoung called me and, I guess you know the rest. " I trailed off.

" She bullied you and you stopped being friends with her? "

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