part XV - surprise holiday

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my brain isn't loading

so the next few chapters might be bland or boring

Yoona woke up by the sound of her alarm ringing.

She groaned sleepily. The weather was too cold and she couldn't get herself to get up from bed. After thinking about if she should skip another day of school just for sleep, Yoona slowly started falling asleep after deciding not to wake up.


" Fucking hell. " Yoona breathed out. Why did she have to put an alarm for every 5 minutes? And it's the same annoying apple alarm every time.

She's going to be woken up every 5 minutes, so what's the point of trying to sleep again?

Yoona sat up, turning off the alarm and yawning as she lifted her arms, stretching them. After a refreshing stretch, Yoona looked over to the window, and surprisingly, it was snowing.

The weather wasn't even that cold on the day before, but I guess it got a bit colder over the night? The snow was so pretty, everything was covered in white. And the way the snow landed on the trees were so satisfying.

But after looking at the snow, she looked at Yunjin who was... sleeping peacefully.

She stared at her in shock, how can she sleep? Didn't Yunjin say she couldn't sleep because she didn't have Banani with her? Maybe it was because Yoona cuddled with her last night.

Yoona felt the same tingling sensation in her stomach again, but this time with an added urge to cuddle with her again. She just couldn't stop staring at Yunjin-

Then she spotted something below Yunjin's arms. She looked at bit closer and realised that it was a doll. Was this the doll that Yunjin called Banani?

She was disappointed that she wasn't the reason why Yunjin had a good night sleep. But Yoona was even more disappointed that Yunjin snuck out of the house last night and broke into her stepdad's house.

Yoona wanted to wake Yunjin up to confront her by shaking her, but as her hand went closer and closer to Yunjin, she just couldn't do it. Yoona felt bad but, didn't know why.

She sighed, getting up from her bed and to the bathroom. Hoping Yunjin would wake up before she finished getting ready.


" Yunjin-ah. " Yoona said, " It's time to waaaaaake upppppp. " She said after shaking Yunjin multiple times.

" Seriously, you're going to be late. " Yoona warned, but it didn't seem like Yunjin heard it at all. It didn't even look like Yunjin was even awake, " Yunjin... Wake up! "

She sighed, Yoona didn't know Yunjin was such a heavy sleeper.

Yoona got up the bed, getting closer to Yunjin. She tapped her shoulder, hoping Yunjin would wake up.

The younger shot up upon feeling Yoona's touch. But as she launched herself up, Yunjin accidentally made contact with Yoona and touched her lips.

Yoona covered her mouth in shock as Yunjin was frozen. Things got awkward as silence filled the room. They were both stuck in the room, not knowing what to do.

Both of them were blushing.

" I-I'm- "

" This is a secret, and it'll remain as a secret. " Yoona warned, " Okay? "

Yunjin nodded rapidly, also not wanting anyone to know about their 'kiss'.


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