part XI - know about me

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HEY ‼️‼️





( you ) —> 🐬 🌹 <— ( rose 4 you )

[ accidental run for roses reference ?? 🤭 ]


Everyone was still surrounding Kyujin who didn't look, but was beyond scared and probably scarred for life too.

" I swear! I will NEVER go climbing on other people's roofs- Tell Eunchae that, a-and help me go cancel my rock climbing classes... Also, I'm not in the right mental state to go to school... F-For the next year. " Kyujin trembled in fear as she stuttered to the others, " So tell them I have a deadly disease or something... "

" You look so cute when you're scared! " Jiwoo squealed.

" Is it really a good time to fangirl over Kyujin?! She almost died, Jiwoo! " Haewon scolded, she was about to smack her but Lily held her back.

" Is smacking people a tradition here? " Yunjin asked.

" I know it's not really a good time, but my little kitty cat is so cute! " Jinsol smiled, " Oh- Look at her trembling. " She caress her head as if Kyujin was a real cat.

" I will actually BITE YOU IF YOU DON'T GET AWAY. " Kyujin screeched at her, " I AM NOT A CAT. "

" Cat- Mmm... " Yoona mumbled in her sleep, making her the attention now, " Crunch, my cat... "

" Is this normal? " Yunjin looked at Yoona weirdly.

" No. " Lily said.

" OH MY FUCKING GOD- CRUNCH! " Yoona launched herself up from Lily's bed suddenly. Making everyone flinch as she rushed out the front door, " I FORGot to ғᴇᴇᴅ ʰᵉʳ ᵎ "

Her voice slowly faded as she got more and more far away from Lily's apartment.

" I-I guess I have to go too?! " Yunjin quickly bowed to them and ran after Yoona, " WAIT FOr ᴍᴇ ʸᵒᵒⁿᵃ-! "

Her voice also faded as she tried to run after Yoona.

" 'I'm NOT Yoona's girlfriend. Even if I'm gay, it doesn't mean I'm whipped for every girl!'  Ugh, what she said. " Jiwoo rolled her eyes, " Sure Yoona unnie isn't whipped for Yunjin unnie, but Yunjin unnie sure is whipped. "


" WILL YOU EVER STOP SMACKING PEOPLE?! " Jiwoo angrily yelled as she held her arm with pain.

" Not my fault you assholes keep misbehaving. " Lily sighed.

" Woah-! Lily unnie swore! " Jinsol gasped dramatically, " Be careful Jiwoo, she's mad! "

" You wanna get smacked?! "

" I honestly don't believe that Lily unnie is that strong. " Jinsol crossed her arms as she smirked at Lily.

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