Uncle Kaiba Comes to Town

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"I can't believe that Yugi is making me go see his daughter at my academy." I complained as Mokuba told me, "She's your god-daughter Seto, and Yugi said he'd go see her himself but he's all the way in India right now." I sighed while remembering when Yugi called me and told me that he had a daughter, making me drop my work to go and see her when she was barely even able to babble. "We should have a family together one day, Seto. That would be nice." I remembered her again, the woman who ended up making me weak after I split paths with Yugi and his annoying friends, Sienna Ashe Whitlen. She was a weak woman who was the daughter of one of my company's associate groups, and I met her at a party when she was being used as a product that her father could show off to wealthy single men. I don't even know why I fell for her or why everyone she talked to gravitated to her side either, but she became the person I worked for even though she was in a hospital, from our fifth date onward because of her declining health.

"How's Sienna's health, Mokuba?" He told me with a smile, "They say she's improving and that um...my soon to be born niece or nephew is healthy as well." Damn it...I guess spending time with Yugi did soften me up, but I guess I should thank him for that in my head because...that's what led me to meet Sienna, and now I'm going to have a family and have what I thought would always elude me. "Sir, we're approaching Duel Academy Island." My head of security detail told me, "Prepare to land and inform Professor Satyr that I will be dropping by Ra Yellow."


Ra Yellow - Girls Dorm: Lisetta's Room


"So, why did you want to meet up Jay?" My question made him respond, "I saw some ship land at the port but it didn't look like the ferry. Do you know who it could be? Because I don't want to have to see Slade or Jagger's dumb faces again." I shook my head until remembering what I said in my last letter to my dad, "Jaden, run now." He was confused but I made him try to leave until my door was kicked open, "Hi....Uncle Seto." I greeted as he glanced at Jaden then at me, narrowing his eyes while asking, "Who is this, Lisetta?" My face went a little pale as I told him, "This is Jaden Yuki, he's in Slifer Red and...um...." He gave me a look that said to spit it out, "....He's my boyfriend...." Seto looked like he wanted to punch a wall, basically being like a second dad to me after my actual dad, and obviously not content that I was in a relationship...with someone from the least respected dorm on campus. "I challenge you to a duel, Jaden Yuki." He called while gripping his suitcase tighter in his hand, "I win, you break up with my god-daughter and be expelled from Duel Academy. You win, and I'll leave you two be without mentioning this to Yugi, Lisetta." He added my name at the end while giving me yet another hard stare, "Do you accept?"

My face was pleading Jaden to not accept but being who he is, he totally accepted the challenge. "Jaden, you don't have to do this! My uncle i just being ridiculous!!" Seto ignored me while dueling Jaden, being knocked back on the ropes a bit but overall defeating Jaden who put up his best effort, with his elemental heroes. "...." He put his deck and disk away while turning to me, "Are you truly in love with him, Lisa?" My head nodded vigorously, as I begged him to not to expel Jay who already had multiple close calls with expulsion due to Crowler, "So be it then." He looked over his shoulder at Jaden, after giving me some letters from my dad, and a couple of trap cards, "Don't break her heart, Yuki." He left with Mokuba chasing after him then told me, "I want you to be my future child's god mother, Lisa." He took my silence as a yes then left the room with myself questioning what happened, "I think he likes me now." I smacked Jaden's arm, "What would give you that idea?"

He rubbed his neck while I sighed, "At the very least, he didn't use his Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon." Jaden was shocked by that as I told him, "He probably threw the match because he could sense that I cared about you." 


To be continued...



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