Chapter Nine

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Once we arrived, I hopped out of the passenger seat and took off my hoodie. I then would walk over to the empty field and place my jacket and just lay on it, looking at the sunset. It was beautiful. I felt Jaeden come and sit next to me. "Well, carry on." He told me with a gesture of his hands as he laid down next to me. We weren't facing eachother so, this should be easy enough.
"My aunts boyfriend is a terrible man with terrible anger issues. They aren't married but, he's heavy in drugs and he always has been. He's a mean drunk and someone those kids don't need nor deserve in their life." I explained. "He likes to hit me. Pull me by my hair and just take his anger out on me. As if I'm his very own punching bag."
I bit the inside of my cheek. "But considering no one has ever asked, I don't usually tell people. All I ask is you don't either. That's something I really don't want to deal with." I said and swallowed the lump in my throat. That would be as much detail as I would go into tonight. He didn't need to know the rest. I just met the dude.
"Well, your turn." I said as I watched the sun slowly fall behind the mountains. "Well, I live in a crack house. My parents are dead too. They weren't great people so, I never griefed over them. I have three siblings but they live with my aunt because I can't take care of them in that house. They don't need to see that nor hear those stories. My aunt's wonderful."
He then sighed. "No ones asked me either that's not in my inner circle, so I understand."
I was shocked. The ultimate famous Jaeden O'Conner didn't have an amazing life either. What the hell?

I thought I was the only one in this shit world who was dealing with this type of shit but, it was as if for the first time I wasn't alone. I turned to look over at him and he placed the pad of his thumb on my cheek, wiping a wetness I was unfamiliar with away. Praying one day I'd get out of here. He got out. "It's okay." He whispered.

I can't fight these strong emotions that would just crumble up inside of me. "I'm not done." I look at him, confused. So, he does have more.

"My siblings, they didn't see most of it. You know Tony, right? The guy I'm always with?" I nodded. "Yeah, he saved me." I would just look away. If we didn't see eachother the emotions were sure to not be as strong. "What do you mean by he saved you?"

"I mean, I ran away after dropping my siblings off a year ago with my aunt. He had the house and I never asked any questions because I felt like it wasn't my place too but me and him grew up with shitty parents and both got out before shit got to bad." I had so many questions.

"Don't worry, I'm okay now but when I say I understand your situation I really mean it." Listening to this made me realize that the world wasn't just about me. All though I felt alone, I knew it wasn't true. Not anymore at least.

"So, if you ever need anything again, just let me know and I'll be there for you." I would gladly take him up on that. Maybe he could help get me out. That would be absolutely amazing.

"Can I ask you questions about it?" I said softly. "Go for it, I don't really care." I could tell he didn't but, it would be nice to have answers. "Does Ana know about this? I mean, I know you two dated for a while." He nodded. "Yeah, Tony works for her dad so, she'll always be around." I held onto my sigh. Damn. That hurt to hear.

"What is your job? I know you guys have to pay rent somehow." He just looked toward me. "Well, Tony messes with Technology  for a living. And you can't tell anyone I'm telling you this." I cocked an eyebrow once more and looked at him with the face I gave when someone said something stupid to me. "Who the hell would I tell?" I asked. He just laughed. "Don't look at me like that ever again, Mia."

He said as his shoulders shook when he laughed. I was to sarcastic for my own good. "But back to our jobs, he works in technology, Miles is a dealer, and I fight at a club." He said as we went back to looking now at the night sky. "It's a dark world when it hits night time for us. But, we do what we need to to survive." I agreed. "Especially in an economy like this."
He laughed again. It made me feel good to hear his laugh. "Do you have a sarcastic comment for everything?" He asked. I nodded.
"Sure do, kiddo." He looked at me. "I'm older then you." I looked toward him. "How the hell do you know that?"
"Again, Tony works in technology and you in twenty-sixteen posted a lot on tumblr." My face went stone cold. "I hate that you know that." He just shook with laughter once more. "I mean I get it, caligxrl2o2o. Being born in the snowiest month of Colorado, I would be as depressed as you are too. March thirty-first."

I pushed him and he laughed even more. "I'm going to kick Tony's ass." He looked at me with tears coating his eyes with just laughter. "It's not funny Jaeden." He just bursted out laughing again. "It's fucking hillarious actually. Considering I'm November first." I shook my head. "Not."

He calmed down. "The fact you're still active on it says alot too." I just shook my head. "You were an adorable seven year old." I flipped my hair. "I know." He then stood up, I shortly followed.

"You know you're like a kitten with its chest puffed out." He explained to me. I looked at him. "Excuse me? " I said. "No I'm serious. You're so tiny and cute and absolutely adorable but you think you're tough." He said with a smile. "Oh jesus christ.  I am tough." I told him and started flexing. He just laughed. "Right." I put my hoodie back on and would get in his car. "So where too?" I asked.

"I know you like rock because of caligxrl2o2o. So, I was thinking I'd drive you around and you can scream it out after our little therapy session and then I take you home." I nodded. "Sounds wonderful to me." He then put on Romantic Homicide by d4vd. It wasn't really rock but, I knew he had a pure intention considering it was one of my favorites.

I have yet to experience my first love but, this song made me feel unexplainable things as we sped down the highway going seventy miles per hour. I didn't even scream the lyrics, I just listened as we passed Denver on the Highway, knowing he would turn back around shortly.

I just enjoyed the song as best as I could. Looking out the window. I rolled down my window and put my hand out. I looked over at Jaeden and got butterflies in my stomach again. I was enjoying this moment. He looked toward me with a knowing smirk. He knew music was an outlet for me. This was kind of romantic and I think this was the night I had caught feelings for someone.
I felt seen.

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