Chapter Forty One

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I woke up the next morning and rubbed my eyes. I just looked out the window and realized I wasn't at Jaeden's. I didn't want to be. I felt so embarrassed. I was an absolute embarrassment, just like Tony said I'd be. I never learned my lesson. It hurt but, I just wanted to be happy. It was nice being happy for those five months I knew Jaeden.

I officially ignored all his texts and everything, making sure he knew I was mad at him. I actually woke up to him texting my phone with th whole 'I'm sorry' speech and how he never apologizes. Again. I was done. I knew he was whore. Why was I fucking with him? Did that make me just as toxic as him? I didn't know.

I threw my phone down on the pillow and would get up, putting some shorts on. I lived in a house full of guys. No way in hell you think I'm walking into a kitchen in just my shirt and underwear.

I then pulled my hair up and walked down the steps, entering the kitchen. There I saw a tall, tanned, dark hair man. His eyes were almost black they were so dark. He was sipping coffee. "Hello krasivaya." He said without looking up at me. "Hi." I said.

This man was definitely taller than Jaeden and it was awkward. Not him. Me. I was awkward. I was living in this mans house and didn't even know him. It seemed he knew everything about me though, hence the fact him and Tony were cousins.  Great.

"I'll let you get yourself situated but, I want to go over a few things with you. Just ground rules." He told me. I nodded and sat at the island. "Sure, I guess. It's your house." He looked down at me. I didn't know what to say to him so, I just stared up at him.

"My dad is an absolute douchebag and not a feminist whatsoever. He comes by every so often so I want to make sure you're prepared. Do you own any sort of weapon?" I shook my head. He looked dissapointed. "Any self-defense  training?" Another no.

"I mean unless you count getting beat daily by your uncle who isn't really your uncle then no, I don't have any."

He just stared at me blankly. Cold. "I don't need to know your life story. However, I do need to make sure you're safe. Do you understand?" I nod. He's definitely not a talker. Not a big deal. Neither was I. "I understand. I already told AJ I would stay out of your guys's way and stay in my room." I explained to him. "It's not a big deal for me."

He gave me a look and said, "You aren't a prisoner here Mia."

I nodded. I just didn't want to give anybody the wrong impression here or you know, be raped.

"I appreciate that. Anything else I need to know?" I ask meeting his eyes with mine. "Well as you can see, I'm a man in my twenties so I obviously pick up women. So, just let me know if someone comes in and or hurts you." I looked at him. So, me and AJ are the youngest out of everyone. Got it.

"People come and go because most of our friends are addicts. We try to help them get back on their feet. However, most of the decently sane ones live here. You just got the wrong end of the stick when you met Jaeden though. We aren't all like his sorry ass."

I nodded. "Okay, thanks."

"You have any questions for me? Ask me anything and I'll be honest with you."

"So, if you're only in your twenties how did you afford this big ass house?"

He laughed. "My mothers insurance money."
I felt gagged. What the fuck? Was I hearing this correctly?

"I didn't kill her. She died of natural causes and left me her families estate." I nodded. "Okay, cool then. So you come from money?" He nodded. "I guess you could say that. My mom was well known in Russia for her ballet performances. My father was enchanted by her. He owned plenty of businesses and hotels in Russia and sometimes I leave to make sure everything is in order."
"Are you apart of a mafia?" He shook his head. "No. I like to keep my fingers and tongue. That is business I don't mess with." I nodded. "Those are important huh?" He nodded in agreement. "Unofrtanetly. The minute my father dies I have to take over everything and I mean every business, every hotel, trust me the list doesn't stop."

"Atleast you're always prepared." He smirked. "Yeah, I guess you can say that."

I pushed away from the island and would look at him. "Wait if you were born and raised in Russia, why do you not have an accent?" He then said something in russian under his breath. "Because I can mask it." "Right on." I then get some water. "Anyways, I need to go to school. It was nice meeting you though Ace."

"You too, krasivaya."

I didn't know what it meant but it sounded nice.

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