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I guess some would say I had a rather eventful week.

I'm no longer sick, so that's a plus.

I watched countless episodes of Family Feud. I can proudly say that I could probably win the entire show.

And, mom said I needed a job this summer; and she already found me one.

I'm going to be an umpire for baseball games.

What the actual fuck, mom?

Couldn't I work at like, McDonald's, or something?

As mom says, "It's good social skills and you need the money,"

Well, I say she can kiss my ass.

I don't want a job, but I do enjoy spending the money that I will get from the job...

Still, I'm not sure how I feel about umpiring.

I played softball for most of my childhood, and I know all the rules. But, from personal experiences, some of the players and coaches do not act very nicely towards the umpires. I don't want people to yell at me and be judgmental, and I would feel bad about making questionable calls.

God, my life is so hard.

Jack has been spending a lot of time at Sam's and Nate's, so he hasn't been around very much, but that gives me a lot of time to film and record my stuff.

Currently, I'm getting all of my summer clothes, like tank tops and shorts, out and hung up in my closet.

I'm swaying around to Arctic Monkey's Arabella, and it's been a pretty low key week.

Finals week has finally passed, and I only have a few days left of school before summer. Thank the gods above for that.

Mom's been working from home while dad is traveling, so we've been spending a lot of time together.

I've literally only seen Jack for less than two hours for the past six days, but the house has been unnaturally quiet.

That is, until, my door swings open.

"Hey, Maggie!" Jack says, giving me a hug. "I missed you this week!"

"Okay, there's three solutions to this. One, you're drunk,"

"I'm completely sober, smell my breath," he huffs in my face and I scrunch my nose in disgust.

"There's an invention called toothpaste. You should try it sometime,"

"That's mean,"

"Two, you need to borrow something from me," I sigh tiredly, ignoring his comment.


"Or, three, you're going out, and you don't want mom to know. So, you're gonna pay me to cover for you,"

"Can I not just give my baby sister a big hug without wanting something?" Jack pouts.

"No," I roll my eyes. "Which of the three is it?"

"None, Mags. I just wanted to visit you,"


"I've barely seen you all week. What's new?" he asks, lying on my bed with his feet by the headboard so he can look at me.

"Mom's making me get a job," I roll my eyes.

"I heard. Umpiring pays well. Sam, Nate, Gilinsky, and I did it the summer between sophomore and junior year, too."

"How much did you get paid per game?"

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