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in past tense for a reason. watch out for time switches, it will go back and forth a little bit. enjoy. x

I began my junior year about a month after I got the truck of my dreams, and I couldn't have been happier with how things began to work out for me. Finally.

I got asked to homecoming that year, as well, by a guy named Michael, and we ended up going out after that. We're still together today, and I think I'm in love with him. Scratch that; I am in love with him. 

Now, as I sit here in my senior year of high school, I take a look back on how my life has changed in the past two years.

Firstly, Jack and Jack moved to California last year. They released their first EP, and they became nationally famous almost instantly. Gilinsky finally got a girlfriend, but Jack hasn't yet. They went on a US tour, then a tour in Europe right after that. 

After that, I got my first boyfriend, Michael. I went on my first date, had my first kiss, and actually lived as a teenager should. I went to parties, took a road trip with my new friends, and applied to colleges. 

I received my acceptance letter to UNL about two weeks ago, and I start school there in about five months. I couldn't be more excited.  My school schedule, for now, has been filled with speech and English classes, and I want to try to be a journalist.

Everyone knows that I want to go into journalism, but nobody knows where. 

 As for Jane Doe, she still hasn't been discovered. That is surprising to me, but with Jack not here, I can do my music stuff and not be caught.   

Jack is home for the week due to a clear schedule, and I'm announcing the news of getting into UNL to my family. Nobody even knows that I applied there; they thought I was going to apply to UNO. 

I picked Jack and Gilinsky up from the airport about an hour ago, then I went to get ready for the dinner that Jack was taking us to. I grabbed the letter and slid it into my purse before we left, but now I feel butterflies in my stomach as I think of when to reveal the news. I decide to do it right after we eat. 

After we order, we make small talk and chat until our food comes. As I finish up my food, I stand up. 

"I have an announcement to make," I stand up and face my family (and Gilinsky), smiling nervously.

"What is it?" Mom asks, worry laced in her tone.

"It's nothing bad. It's great news, actually."

"You're not pregnant, are you?" Dad asks, eyeing me suspiciously. I shake my head.

"So, I know I said I was going to apply to UNO, but I changed my mind and applied to a different school instead." I pull out the letter and hand it to my mom. "I applied to UNL, and I got accepted,"

"Maggie," mom gasps, tears filling her eyes. "This- this is absolutely incredible. I'm so proud of you, sweetheart," she cries, making her way around the table to pull me into a hug. 

"My little girl is going to college," my dad murmurs, looking as if he might cry as well. "I can't believe it," he smiles, embracing me as well. 

Jack and Gilinsky both stand up as well, while mom and dad sit down.

"Well, I wasn't expecting this," Jack smiles, pulling me into a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you, Mags. I knew you could do it,"

"Thanks, Jack. It means a lot," I kiss his cheek. "And I knew you weren't expecting it. Nobody was,"

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