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"Do you think they banged?"

"Jack would fucking kill him,"

"Maybe they're just friends,"

"That's not how friends sleep,"

Comments like the ones listed above were what I woke up to this morning, as my bedroom was filled with Jack's friends.

I woke up silently with Gilinsky's arms wrapped around me, light snores escaping his mouth as his head rested on top of mine. It was quite comfortable, and that was the way we usually slept when we shared a bed; it wasn't something that I wasn't used to.

When I tried shifting, he would pull me closer to him (how it was possible, I have no idea), and I would be stuck there, but I didn't mind. At night, he's like a space heater and it's nice to have.

So, when Jack's friends were in my room, as I was sleeping, and I woke up with them in there, I nearly pissed my pants.

Gilinsky eventually woke up, and then the real interrogations began, beginning with what happened last night, which he thought of a lie right away, then mom yelled something about doughnuts and they all ran downstairs, except for Jack.

"Nothing happened last night, right?" He asked me, sending me a hard look.

"No," Gilinsky and I answered at the same time.

"We just talked," I murmured. "That's it,"

"It's a good thing I trust you," he looked at Gilinsky. "We all know if it were someone else, they'd be dead,"

Gilinsky nodded.

"I know, Jack. I promise, nothing ever happened, nothing ever will," I sighed, sitting up and gathering my things for a shower.

Afterwards, I ate a doughnut or three, and decided that I was going to run on the treadmill on the basement instead of heading off to the gym.

After putting on some running shorts, I went downstairs and started running right away. As I put my earbuds in, the speed increased, and I kept up with it.

While running at a steady speed, my phone fell out of the cupholder built into the treadmill, and I tried grabbing it, but slipped off of the treadmill and landed on my foot at an awkward angle, and I screamed.

Mom was the first downstairs, a look of panic on her face. Jack and Gilinsky were next, hot on her heels.

"I can't stand up," I whimpered, my foot feeling as if it was on fire.

"We're taking her in," Mom said, "grab her. I'm gonna start up the car."

Jack grabbed my waist, picked me up, and held my back and the backs of my legs as he carried me up the stairs.

"You're gonna be okay," Jack murmured in my ear, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"It hurts," I cried, releasing one of the hands that were wrapped around his neck to wipe my tears.

"I know, Mags," he sighed, "the doctor's gonna fix your leg up, okay?"

"They better not give me shots," I growled through my tears.

Gilinsky laughed from behind us.

"Shut up, you're not funny."

Jack set me down in the backseat of mom's Suburban next to Gilinsky, and sat in the front seat. After arriving at the emergency room, Gilinsky briskly walked inside the building with me in his arms, the same way Jack was holding me, with Mom and Jack close behind.

"I think she broke her foot," Mom explained to the lady at the front.

She got me a room, and they made me change into the hospital gown, then the doctors arrived, taking my vitals and giving me and I.V., much to my dismay.

All three of them never left my side, until I had to go get my x-rays done. Mom had to call dad, but Jack and Gilinsky stayed with me.

"Any chance you're pregnant?" The doctor giving me the x-ray asked, gently shifting my foot under the machine.

"No," Jack and Gilinsky answered at the same time.

The doctor chuckled, then looked to me as I shyly shook my head.

After waiting a half hour to get my results back, the doctor brought the black sheet in and placed it over the light, pointing to all the bones in my foot with his pen. I pointed to ones that looked different.

"Are those the broken ones?" I asked, "They don't look right,"

"Yes, those are the broken ones," he said. "You broke your foot, but may I ask how?"

"I was running on the treadmill, and my phone fell, so I tried to pick it up. It didn't go as planned,"

The doctor laughs lightly, "I see. Well, we are going to get you a cast, then we're going to need you to stay the night, just in case something goes wrong with the medication you're gonna be put on,"

I nodded. Minutes later, they brought this machine in, put half of my leg inside, and when they took it out, a white cast was covering my foot and leg. I got to choose a colored wrap, which was obviously light blue, and then they left me alone.

"I'm glad you're doing better," Mom sighed. "You had me and your father worried,"

"Where is dad?" I dared to ask.

"At home. Jack's friends are still there,"


"He'll come in the morning, though,"

"Okay. Can we get Chinese food?"

"I don't think that's allowed. We can get you something here," she suggested, and I made a face.

"A chocolate milkshake and fries, please," I smiled as she got up to go buy them.

"Why a shake and fries?" Gilinsky asked.

"They're hard to fuck up," I laughed, "if they're disgusting, then I'm waiting until I get home to eat,"

He nodded in agreement.

"Jack," I said, gaining his attention. "If you want, you can go home. You don't have to stay here,"

"I'm not leaving," he stated, determined.

"If you insist," I sighed.

Mom came back with my food, and we all just kinda sat and talked there while I ate, and then they had to leave a few hours later because of the visiting hour limit.

Jack had made me promise to text him whenever I woke up during the night, and to let him know if I needed anything.

The next morning, when I woke up, I was beyond surprised at the sight I saw.


Song attached: West Coast by the Neighbourhood 


this song is so good ohmygod slay me


y'all should watch Joe Santagato on youtube because he's so funny. he does this series called 'idiots on the internet' and they're so fuckin funny


lol so I had to go through and rename all my chapters with numbers and not roman numerals

good one, em, you done fucked that one up reeeeeeal good


hoodie allen's new album is so good too. it's called happy camper and my favorite song from it is called king to me


lol school is going to make me pull every piece of my hair out, isn't that funtastic?


okay adios loves

em x 

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