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Needless to say, today is by far one of the worst days of my life.

I am so fucking tired.

In between my naps every few hours that I've taken, I have been either eating, lying on my bed or the couch, or watching TV.

Right now, I'm eating a slice of cake that my mom left for me.

"Hey," Jack strolls into the kitchen, with Sam and Nate following behind.


"Have you gotten out of bed yet today?" Nate asks, eyeing my messy and drained-out appearance.

"I couldn't sleep at all last night," I explain. "I feel like shit now,"

"If I didn't know better, I would've thought she was hungover," Nate chuckles towards Jack and Sam.

"I don't drink,"

"I know, I was joking."

After finishing my slice of cake, which was delicious, I go upstairs and take yet another nap.

"Where are you going?" Jack calls.

"To take another nap,"


Last night, I think I slept over thirteen hours.

I went to take a nap around six, and it's now 8 AM.

I feel a lot better, and there's now only one thought racing through my mind:

I'm starving.

I skipped dinner last night, due to the pounding headache I had, so it's been, like, forever since I've eaten.

I decide on making waffles, so with my hair tied in a bun on top of my head and some comfy clothes hanging loosely off of my vertically challenged frame, I start the project.

Walking into the kitchen while scrolling mindlessly on my phone, hearing someone clear their throat, I drop my phone on the ground and gasp.

"Holy shit, Nate, you scared me," I chuckle as I bend over to grab my phone.

"Whoops," his deep voice echos off the walls.

"Where's Sam and Jack?" I ask, jumping up on the counter to reach the waffle mix.

"Jack is still getting ready upstairs. I have no idea where Sam is,"

I just nod, measuring out enough for the four of us- I don't even have to ask if they want breakfast.

Jack strolls downstairs a few minutes later with an overly enthusiastic grin on his face.

"Morning," he smiles.

"Why are you so happy?"

"It's gonna be a great day today, I can feel it,"

"I think you caught a case of Tumblritis,"

"I did not,"

"Your waffles are gonna burn," he sighs, walking over to the fridge.

"Is there any apple juice in there?"

"Nope, finished it yesterday,"

"That was mine!"


"You're fucking rude,"

"Quit swearing, you're like, ten,"

"I'm turning seventeen this year!"

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