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"A carnival?" I gasp. "How did you know?"

"You're pretty predictable," Jack laughs. "You've always loved the fairs and carnivals and stuff like that."

"This is awesome," I murmur. "Thank you," I hug him.

"If you think this is impressive, wait until we're done here,"

"You're an amazing brother, Jack," I smile.

Jack pays for my wristband and Gilinsky buys his, and we enter through the gate. I'm greeted with the sweet smell of cotton candy and the loud, obnoxious music of the rides. I love it.

"Where are we going first?" Jack asks, and I look around. I see one of my favorite rides, The Zipper. I point to it, and Gilinsky smirks. (A/N: picture attached is The Zipper.)

"I knew it."

"It's the best ride ever!"

I know that Jack doesn't do rides like that because they make him sick. Luckily for me, Gilinsky loves them as much as I do, so I won't be forced to go alone.

We stand in line and finally, after waiting for about ten minutes, get in our cart. After the carnie shuts the cage in the front, we grab the bar in anticipation.

"This one of my favorite rides," I smile.

"Same. It would be better if the cage wasn't made for short people like you, though," his head touches the top of the cage.

"Maybe if you weren't an amazon, you'd fit in here better,"


As we get higher on the ride, it starts to accelerate and our cart begins moving in a circle.

"This is fucking insane!" Gilinsky yells over the music.

"I know!" I shout back.

We continue spinning and going around in a circle for what seems like forever, then the ride is over.

"There's no way in hell that the ride is safe," Jack tuts, shaking his head.

"It's awesome. You wouldn't know, though," I tease, sticking my tongue out playfully at him.

"Wanna go on the Tilt-a-Whirl next?" Gilinsky asks.

"Is that even a question?" I laugh. "You wanna go, Jackie?"

"Sure. That one isn't bad,"

"It's so much fun," I argue. "And, the line's not even long,"

All three of us squeeze into a cart, with me in the middle. Soon, once the ride is full, we begin. Jack complains about being dizzy the entire time, and it's almost as fun as The Zipper.

We spend a few more hours at the carnival, going on spinny rides and eating funnel cakes and pizza, before Jack says he has more in store for me.

"Where are we going?" I ask as Jack starts the truck up.

"Somewhere," he vaguely answers.

"No shit," 

"I can't tell you,"

We drive for about a half hour, until Jack pulls into a boat launch.

"We're going fishing?" I ask.

"No, we're going pontooning,"

"Really?" I ask, excited. "That's sick!" 

"We know," Gilinsky smirks.

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