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As soon as Maggie started arguing with mom and dad, I knew things wouldn't end well.

Especially with dad; it's his way, or the highway.

She was playing with fire the second she opened her mouth, and she knew that. But I didn't stop her.

I don't know why, but I didn't. And I should have.

After she ran upstairs, I had finally snapped out of the shock from dad hitting her.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled at him.


"I swear to god, dad, if you ever hurt her again, I will personally make sure that you go down. I cannot believe you right now," I shouted, not caring how rude I sounded.

"Jack," he said, "I'm sorry,"

"Oh, you're sorry?" I sarcastically laugh. "I guess that fixes everything you just had to fuck up, doesn't it?"

"No, it doesn't, but-"

"I'm not done talking," I spat. "Just because you're 'sorry' does not mean that everything is going to be okay. You had the nerve to lay hands on Maggie. Do you even realize how this is going to affect her?"

"Jack," he tried to explain to me, "it was an accident,"

"You're full of shit!" I yelled at him. "You did not just accidentally hit her, you fucker! You hit her because she was speaking nothing but the truth, and you're too much of a selfish asshole to face reality,"

"You're right," he answered. "Absolutely right,"

I ignored him and mom, who was still crying, and went upstairs to talk to Maggie.

"Maggie?" I knocked on her door. "Mags?"

There was no response.

It was silent on the other side of the door.

I couldn't hear her crying, walking, or hear anything that she must have been doing.

Assuming that she was asleep, I left her locked door, defeated.


After waiting a few hours, I decided to try talking to Maggie, but she didn't answer again.

"Maggie!" I yelled, slamming my fists into her door. "Maggie, we need to talk!"

When she didn't answer, I began to panic.

Instead of trying at her door again, I went through my window, and opened hers, to reveal a pitch black room.

Without Maggie in it.

I opened her bedroom door, and raced downstairs.

"She's gone," I yelled.

No one answered.

"Mom! Dad!" I called.

The house was empty.

I ran to Maggie's room and turned the light on, looking for some proof that she might have still been here.

While walking around, I found a note with her distinct hand writing on it.

Don't expect me to come back

I dropped the note, and took a deep breath, trying to contain the tears that fell down my face.


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