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a/n: that gif is so hot. I apologize for the frustrations that this human has caused all of us. enjoy x

As I am standing in front of the stove making a grilled cheese sandwich, a loud knock on the door makes me jump.

"I got it!" Gilinsky yells.

"Okay," I answer back.

After a few moments of quiet, a familiar voice startles me as I set the sandwich on the plate.


"Jack," I whisper quietly. "Holy shit, did I miss you," I throw my arms around his neck, burying my face into his chest.

"I missed you, too, Mags," he answers back in the same tone, kissing my forehead.

We sit down in the kitchen, and I feel like this isn't going to be the visit I wanted.

"We need to talk," he says, the atmosphere turning serious.

"What about?"

"Mom and dad. They need you to-"

"Come home," I spit in disgust. "Is that why you're here? To come and get me?"

"No," he answers immediately. "No."

"Then why are you even bringing them up?"

"I just need you to hear me out. Can you do that?"

"Yeah, I guess," I roll my eyes.

"They're freaking the fuck out about this. They think you're sleeping on the streets or something, and they don't know you're here."

"So what?"

"They don't even know if you're safe, Maggie. For all they know, you could be dead in a ditch right now,"

"They deserve it."

"Maggie! They're our parents! You can't do this to them."

"You don't get it, Jack," I snap.

"What don't I get?" He asks, his voice calming slightly.

"Dad wasn't the one who put his hands on you. In fact, you watched it happen. He fucked up too badly for me to come crawling back home like a fucking baby. I'm old enough to know what I need by now, and mom and dad pulling stunts like this isn't on that list."

"I know they fucked up, Mags. Trust me, I know. But I also know that they are really sorry. They literally got on their knees and begged for me to forgive them."

"So, they apologized to you, but they haven't even made an effort to find me? Nice," I grunt.

"Listen. You said yourself that you didn't want to come back, but that doesn't mean that you are unable to contact them and let them know you're alright."

"What do you want me to do, call them?" I ask semi-sarcastically, and semi-rhetorically.

"I'd love that. I know they will, too,"

I groan. "No, I'm not talking to them. No way in hell."

"Fine. At least text them, though, please."

"Alright, master." I murmur sarcastically.

To: Mom

I'm alright. Stop looking for me.


She replies a minute later.

From: Mom

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