Nick. Realazing.

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Song recommendation for the chapter: The way i love you. - Fearless. - Taylor Swift.

"Because I haven't told you everything that's happened recently. Imogen and I, well... we started dating a few months ago."


"Surprise..." Nick said with embarrassment and guilt"

"Imogen... our Imogen?"

"The one and only."

"Since when?" Darcy was fetching them another round of beers to hear the gossip. She loved drama.

"A few months ago. Since we moved to London together, we became even better friends, then everything with Charlie ended, and I was truly devastated. I didn't go out, stopped eating... I was a mess. And..."

"Imogen was there." Tara softened the matter, even though she knew she shouldn't. "I mean, I get it."

"Yeah... things started slowly, but we made it official six months ago..."

"SIX MONTHS?" Nick's phone interrupted the conversation.

"Damn, damn, damn. He replied. What do I do?"

"Reply, you fool." Both of them surrounded Nick to see the conversation.

"Hi :O, it's so nice to hear from you."

"Ugh... why does he have to be this adorable." Nick covered his face.

"You're in trouble, man," Darcy said, taking another sip of her drink.

"Are you going to tell him about Imogen?"

"Of course... but in person, later."

"Its even nicer that you reply. I know it's been a while... but I'm back in town."

"I know, rumors are flying. Tell me everything!"

"I was offered a job at Thruman, I'll be a coach. How weird is that? But I'm excited."

"I heard Coach Sinhg was leaving; it's sad, but I'm glad you're taking her place. I remember she was your favorite teacher."

"Yeah, I miss her. She was really nice to us when we came out of the closet."

"we came out" sound like a pack, Nick. Charlie had been out for a long time by then."

"He knows what I mean. Once she caught us kissing in the materials closet."

"WHAT? Why didn't you tell us?"

"It was too embarrassing."

"How could I forget... And university?"

"While I organize games with the guys, I can work on my thesis in the process. What about you? How's school?"

"You know, math and more math. The same old. A thesis? You sound like a real professor now... Are you the nerd now? Those are great news, Nick. I'm so happy for you."

"Awwwww, Nick, you can't ignore that."

"What are you talking about? It's... it's Charlie, after all. We've always talked like this. I'm surprised it's not awkward."

"To that, my dear and silly giant, we call flirting."

"He's not flirting with me."

"I can't believe you have as many boyfriends as girlfriends and still don't know what flirting looks like."

"DARCY!" This time, both of them shouted at her.

"You will always be the nerd; it's just that now you have more titles now: Rocker, mathematician, musician, gay nerd... You tell me everything! How have you been? Tara and Darcy told me about a concert this Friday. It sounds exciting!"

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